FOAB Information

Tuesday 29 May 2007

Channel 4 In Another Controversy

The usually excellent Channel 4 are attracting some bad headlines recently as close on the heels of their slap on the wrist for their conduct over the race row in Celebrity Big Brother, they walk straight into another controversy over their Princess of Wales programme.
Demands are growing for the channel to cancel a documentary featuring pictures of the car crash that killed Diana in Paris in 1997.
Diana: The Witnesses In The Tunnel, includes the first public airing of images taken by French photographers immediately after the collision and shows one picture of Diana receiving oxygen and other explicit images of the interior of the car.
I am of the opinion that if you are so offended by such images, you can choose not to watch it but as sure as eggs are eggs, Channel 4 are including these images in an attempt to drive up ratings. The inclusion of these images was always going to be provocative and stoke argument and Channel 4 know this.
They also know that the publicity from the outcry will give them a huge audience. Pictures of anyone dying, whether it is a Princess or not, are not my cup of tea but there will be plenty of viewers who will tune in just because of the publicity this has generated.

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