FOAB Information

Tuesday 29 May 2007

US & Iran Talking

Anyone with a passing interest in the Middle East cannot fail to watch the news with a heavy heart lately.
The same US administration that armed Israel last summer to slaughter Lebanese, is now arming the same Lebanese to fire at insurgents in the South of their Country.
Syria are widely believed to be meddling in Lebanese affairs while Israel's Premier tells his Government to expect a long, drawn out battle with Hamas as Israeli gun ships target Palestinian leaders.
Hamas continue to land their deadly home made missiles on Israeli cities when they are not busy killing each other.
I wouldn't know where to begin with the burning hole where Iraq used to be and Iran are in the cross hairs of two leaders who lied to the hilt to go to war with its neighbour.
Without doubt, the Middle East is on fire but the news that Iran and America managed to sit down and talk today is a chink of light in a dark, dark tunnel.
A century of the West meddling in Middle Eastern affairs have brought us to where we stand today so hopefully, this will be the start of us engaging with the countries there rather than dictating to them. It cannot make matters any worse.


  1. Question is: is the talking just a cunning prelude to the nuking, a political whitewash? With America you'd never know!

  2. I'm concerned as well exactly what the intentions of the US are. See the naval exercises off the Iranian coast, and Cheney wanting to do an end run around Bush.

  3. Bearing in mind that Team Bush's main previous 'achievements' in regards to Iran has been to stir up large amounts of anti-western feeling in that country with his amazingly imprudent 'axis of evil' comment, and then to remove an Iran-unfriendly leader from its nearest neighbour (and thereby heightening their influence in the region),
    I'd actually be inclined to now see the talks as a positive thing. It couldn't make things any worse anyway. Here's hoping it signals a sea-change in policy, away from militaristic posturing and failed, ruinous invasions.

  4. Iran is regional power and US is world power. We need to work to each other and be partnership for peace. I'm Iranian and I'm from Tehran. I hope to see our governments have good relation and our country could help for keeping peace in the world.

    I look to this negotiation and its result sensitively and I hope this meeting could be approach to good relation.


    This site is worth to see:

  5. I would like to think that America and the UK administrations have seen the devastation their war in Iraq has bought and have sensibly chosen to avoid further slaughter and inflaming the middle east further.
    Did i just use the word sensible in relation to the UK & US administration?
