FOAB Information

Sunday 20 May 2007

Hypothetically Speaking...

While Tony Blair was making his surprise visit to the UK troops in Iraq yesterday, the compound he was stood in came under mortar attack, as it does most days.
So let's just say, hypothetically, that as our esteemed leader Mr Blair, instead of safely strolling out to catch his helicopter ride back home, had copped a face full of explosives instead and parts of British PM had been sent flying in several different directions.
Putting to one side the act of the insurgents, what would the proper reaction be, as anti-war supporters, to the death of one of the main architects behind it?
Would we cheer because the bastard deserved it or would we shake our heads and solemnly bow our heads over another death in the basket case that is now Iraq?
As he was quick to send others to do his fighting over what has been proved time and again were his blatant lies, i think my reaction would be the former.
Not that i would dance on his grave or anything but it would be kinda ironic that he died due to his own disastrous decision making 4 years ago.
Nor am i advocating that Blair should be assassinated, i hope to see him and his pal Bush in the International Court on war crimes one day, but if he was, would it be such a sad day?


  1. I don't see why we have to lie about our feelings once someone's dead. If you believe he's a bad guy now, why would anything change if he died? Of course I don't advocate deliberately causing pain to someone's family, but in the case of public figures there's nothing wrong with publicly stating how you felt about the person, for better or worse.

  2. Yes me too. I shed no tears when the likes of al-Zarqawi bit the big one (which was one of the dozens of events that was supposed to mark the 'turning of the tide' in Iraq, by the way) so I can honestly say that I would view TB's demise in this fashion as a classic case of reaping what you've sown... which would not be the case, by the way, had his every word since he made the huge mistake to wage war on an impotent nation, not been carefully calibrated self-justifying political bollocks.

  3. I am always of the opinion Paula that just because someone has died, it is hypocritical to change opinion of them. If they did not want to be remebered as a jerk, they should not of been a jerk when they were alive.

  4. Well, unless your original criticism was "The only thing wrong with this guy is he isn't dead."
