FOAB Information

Monday 21 May 2007

Vote Blair And Get Stuffed By Brown

I had just got home from the local communist, anti-semite, tree hugging, lefty, ban all guns, scum club which i frequent when i turned on the TV to see some dishevelled, greasy haired vagrant grinning awkwardly back at me through the screen.
On closer inspection i saw it was our Prime Minister elect Gordon Brown.
So what is Brown like nobody has asked me but if they did i would reply "Blair with an under active thyroid gland".
If George Bush took Blair to one said and said in his best Texan twang, "Yo Blair, i need my next British Poodle to be bland with the charisma of a house brick and the dim wittedness to follow me blindly whenever i decide to democratise a country by bombing the bejesus out of it", Blair would wag his tail excitedly and shout "Ta-Da" as Brown lumbered into view.
He has already said that he will steer the same course that Blair was leading so although we did not elect him we have all signed up to Iraq, Trident and Nuclear Power, privatisation, a 2 tier NHS, a failing education policy, tuition fees, faith schools, 90 days detention, the love in with Dubya, the assault on civil liberties and the War on Terror.
Democracy is great isn't it. We wouldn't know.


  1. Ha HAH! We'll soon get to choose from a whole platter of lying slimetarts. Lucky us.

  2. Democracy is great isn't it. We wouldn't know.

    Maybe we should ask the US to invade us.

  3. Sorry, imuslim, but we're stretched a bit thin right now. Check back in, oh, three months?

  4. Yeah, I'm not sure we could do the Duchy of Grand Fenwick at the moment........

  5. Democracy is great isn't it. We wouldn't know.

    Given the atrocity of 2000, we in the US wouldn't know either. Oh, and based on the rousing success of Iraq, they probably aren't too aware of it.

    Ook ook
