FOAB Information

Saturday 30 June 2007

Brown Makes A Smart Move

For anyone with a vicious sense of humour, our new Prime Minister is a rich source of humour with his one eye, rotund frame and acute Scottishness. Seems rather unfair to start bashing the guy after he has only been in office for 48 hours but he has made a great start of winning back Labour supporters with the appointment of David Miliband as Foreign Secretary.
This Government post was usurped by Blair during his term as he chose to ground successive Foreign Secretary's in favour of rushing around the World himself, especially since 2001 when he spent so much time in America poodling after Bush, that you had more chance of laughing at a Seinfeld joke than catching a glimpse of our elected representative in Downing Street.
In Miliband, Brown has cleverly placed an Iraq War sceptic at the heart of his cabinet therefore removing the stain of the Middle East adventure from the Minister who does not have to carry the baggage of his more compliant predecessors.
A rising star in the Labour Party, Miliband is regularly put forward as a future Prime Minister and is known to favour closer ties with Europe and will not shirk from his responsibilities if he disagrees with other countries policies.
With the call for more distance from the USA common place, we may just have the man to refuse to have his tummy tickled by Texans in white houses.


  1. This is the first I've heard of this. We'll have to see how it plays out, but it sounds hopeful anyway.

  2. David Miliband was Environment Sec prior to the shift and is close to what i perceive a Socialist to be. Of course, his parents are well known Marxists so he had a good grounding.
