FOAB Information

Friday 29 June 2007


If i wrote a book about events 500 years ago and said that it was completely accurate but on reading it, you discovered more inconsistencies than you could shake a Holy Grail at, you would rightly have some suspicions about the authenticity.
Well i didn't write it but the Bible is continually the greatest selling tome although the anti-Bibles are closing the gap.
Secularism is cool again as high selling books such as 'Letter to a Christian Nation' by Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins 'The God Delusion' have shown. Our own Christopher Hitchens has added his voice to the debate with the imminent release of 'God Is Not Great: The Case Against Religion' which comes with the promises that Hitchens's book will 'document the ways in which religion is man-made, a cause of dangerous sexual repression and a distortion of our origins in the cosmos'.
After the recent onslaught of religious fundamentalism in the shape of Jihad, born again Christian leaders citing God as telling them to go to war and numerous acts of war crimes in the name of some deity or other, the anti-religion backlash is gaining momentum and setting about the task of debunking the claims of creationists.
The bible crowd have had a good run but the time is nigh to come back down off your cloud.
What Would Jesus do? Probably not ditch his bible and pop down to Ye Olde Jerusalem Bookshop to reserve a copy of Hitchens book.


  1. Aw hell ... all you need to do is read Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell (originally written in, I think, the 40's but with may editions since then) to see exactly how religion is not only a man-made construct, but how each religion builds on the one before it.

    Hitchens? He's just a late-comer to the party hoping to bag some drunk skank before closing time.

    Ook ook

  2. It's a welcome thing. I never deny the existence of God, but I do deny the veracity of every single religion in the world (except of course the TRUE religion - Flying Spaghetti Monsterism).

  3. I take exception to that last statement, sir.

  4. Flying Spaghetti Monsterism is NOT the true religion? Bugga, i just ordered 2000 WWTSMD wristbands.

  5. I'm so glad I'm not alone! I too have been 'touched by his noodly appendage'...
