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Monday 25 June 2007

The Catholic Calling

I would be the first to admit that I do not know much about religion. It seems a very strange practise to give yourself over completely to something you cannot see, hear or even have any firm evidence exists, but that's probably why i am an Atheist.
The only time i set foot in a church is to steal the candles but if someone wants to live their life that way then that is fine by me.
With that in mind the fact that Blair is converting to Catholicism means very little to me but the Catholic Canon who lives across the hall from me (hi Rev Hans) is of the mind that the Catholics should tell Mr B where to go.
His argument is that after Iraq and his not so peaceful stand in other areas, he should not be grasped to the collective Catholic bosom. My personal opinion is that if he wanted to choose any religion he should go Islamic to undo some of the damage he has caused but somehow i don't think they will want him either.
I will happily continue on my Atheist ways and if anyone wants to buy some candles, my garage is full of them and i know where i can get my hands on a font.


  1. I once told a Catholic colleague that I was a 'lapsed Catholic'. And she said "Is there any other kind?"

    Therefore, I think Tony will settle in quite well. He can blame everything on his original sin.

  2. Personally, I consider myself a "reformed" catholic, and that tends to raise eyebrows whenever I say it.

    And though I do not follow any of the dogma, teachings, etc of the church, I have to admit that there will always be a part of me that is still firmly in the Pope's grasp.

    The fact that it's currently Pope Benny is quite frightening, considering he looks as if he enjoys live puppies for breakfast.

    Ah well, as the saying goes, "Once a catholic, always a catholic."

    In nomine patri, et fili, et spiritu sancti. Amen

  3. I am really ignorant when it comes to religion. I could not even tell you the difference between CoE (which i am) and Catholics apart from the Catholics have those rosary beads. I am guessing that there is more to it than that.

  4. We Catholics like to do our drinking in public.

  5. "Ah well, as the saying goes, "Once a catholic, always a catholic."

    It's kind of like being a Jet.

    Lucy - Your church was formed when the Pope wouldn't let Henry XIII dump his umpteenth wife. War for the Prince of Peace is nothing new in our playground. When I must talk about it, I say I was raised Catholic but I got better.

  6. I've never been religious myself but, funnily enough, a disproportionate number of my girlfriends have been Catholic (by birth, if not by behaviour).

    As Cody says, this might be explicable by the drinking culture.

    As for Tony, that's not a bad choice for him bearing in mind the Catholic emphasis on repentance and forgiveness. Not many people down here will forgive the b*st*rd (the stars are my effort to help you keep your 'General' rating, Lucy!) so I guess he's pinning his hopes on 'the man upstairs' doing it.

  7. Hooray for the CoE ! !

    In this h'yar part of the Bible Belt (which is to say, the buckle), it is common to be accosted by Baptists who just have to know, "What church do you go to?"

    If I'm feeling charitable I'll answer with the name of the local Anglican parish, which is enough to get them to back away slowly.

    If I'm in a playful mood I'll toss out something like, "Oh, I go to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster - the one over on Positively 4th Street."

  8. Sorry to correct you Joe, but it was Henry VIII (8th), I don't think we have made it to Henry 14th yet...

  9. Henry VIII was big enough to count for a few Henry's but i don't think he could account for 6 of them.

  10. Whoops, got a little out of hand with the roman numerals. The Henries will rise again, I tell you!

    O'Tim- way way back when I was cleaning carpets, my boss was Jewish. He was talking to a client while I set up, and it turned out that these folks were very much like the people you described. As soon as I finished setting up, I went inside and the first thing the lady said to me was "Are you jewish, too?" My boss was a little miffed that I said "No, I'm a druid."
