FOAB Information

Monday 25 June 2007

Another Blogger Gone

WOW, that weekend was a blast and Jermaine Stewart will be happy to know that nobody took their clothes off which made swimming in the pool a bit tricky.
A few days away from the Blogsphere (still hating that word) and the main news on my return is Paula has left the building.
So many good bloggers have gone and folded in their blogs this year for whatever reason and i find it quite sad as our little blogging group slowly shrinks.
The Brits and other Europeans continue to evade my grasp which is a shame because it would be great to get a real multi-national spin on things but those of us left will hopefully continue to plug on and draw in a few others with our wit, sophistication and righteous views.


  1. "Blogsphere (still hating that word)"

    me too..... that's why I came up with "Blogovia". If you like it, feel free to use it.

  2. Lucy, you can find me at my new place -- Cupcakes, Cats & Shooz. Hope to see you there!

  3. Thanks Joe, that is much better.
    Glad to see that you are still about Paula, i will take a look at your new place now. Do i need to change the links or is this temporary?

  4. Change, please! All the posts and comments are still available at Ultrablog (for a small fee, ha ha), but I'll be sending new posts to CC&S.

  5. yeah...I shut down 'memoirs'and opened another one but I still regret closing the old one down. I wonder why others are dropping like flies?

  6. No idea why so many have closed down their blogs Zoe but i guess it just lost the shine for some.

  7. i guess it just lost the shine for some.

    It also often just seems not worth putting up with threats, blackmail, and constant pre-adolescent bullshit by those who seem to think this is so freaking important.

    Ook ook

  8. I think you have got it spot on Fez.
