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Friday 22 June 2007

Hold Your Horses Rushdie

As previously mentioned, I have never read anything Salman Rushdie has ever written and judging by the reactions of those that have, i haven't missed much.
With a knighthood stashed in his back pocket, Salman could arguably think that he is one of the greatest living authors but i say hold your horses mister, there is an author that knocks you into a cocked hat, scarf and gloves.
Those who think themselves of a more intellectual bent when it comes to novels, sneer at the man i think deserves the title of greatest living author, but i guarantee that if you haven't read one of his books, you have seen one of the films made from his books.
He may be gargoyle chewing a bee ugly but Stephen King has been responsible for some of the best books i have ever clapped eyes on.
It is hard to find anyone who hasn't enjoyed The Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption or Stand by Me or been heebied jeebied by the likes of The Shining, Carrie or It.
He may be looked down upon by some, but you do not get that popular without having some story writing talent and i would be the first to agree that some of his works have become bloated and would benefit from slashing a few pages.
Not the most articulate writer ever to fire up the typewriter but probably the best storyteller if you like your tales with a bit of a dark edge.
And just think what he could of achieved if he hadn't spent all that time plotting to whack John Lennon.


  1. See, I think your problem may be one of comparing like to like. King should be compared to Koontz, Clancy and that lawyer-turned-novel machine whose name I can't remember. Rushdie should be compared to Pynchon.

    Stephen King writes stories. Page turners, to be sure, and entertaining as all get out, but hardly anything that would qualify as even the most generous definition of "literature."

    King is for the masses. Easily consumed and digested, and just as easily passed. He is McDonalds. He is a quick fix. He is a generic bottle of red wine with some Chef Boyardee raviolios.

    Rushdie writes books that immerse you into a lovingly created and elegantly crafted world. He uses words like spices in a luxuriant dish, and unfolds tales that you enjoy for the journey, as much as the destination.

    Rushdie is for a much smaller audience. He is meant to be savored, not rushed.

    That isn't to say one is necessarily "better" or that one appeals to more educated or refined tastes. They are different, and should really be considered so.

    Ook ook

  2. Good one! Of course the very peaceful 'Muslims' are justified for destroying the whole world over this. What? The Queen can't knight someone she likes? She can't knight someone that other people don't like?

    But I'm sure Sir Rushdie has mixed emotions on this; the Queen has put him in much greater danger. Maybe he'll wish he had turned it down.

    At least this incident will lose the terrorists at least a few more of their dhimmidiot appeasers.

    Islam in it's extreme is more political ideology than religion. In that way, it is only a 'Religion of Peace' in that when Islam rules the planet, there will be no one to be at war with. Where they are given an inch, they demand a mile. Islamic countries are becoming more extreme, extremists rule, they just keep quoting the Koran to justify their Jihad.

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    appease religious killers

    continue to spoil them
    violent tantrums pay off

  3. So you like Stephen King as well then?

  4. I never really read Rushie, except for his memoirs. Some great movies were made from Stephen Kings books though, weren't they?
