FOAB Information

Friday 22 June 2007

CIA Comes Clean

Hands up who knows of a country where the President happens to be the son of the former leader and whose brother heads the state that had the deciding vote.
Put like that it may sound as dodgy as an online dating service, but some Government Agencies do sometimes do things that may not be above board. Agencies like the CIA in fact who are about to declassify hundreds of documents detailing some of the agency's worst illegal abuses from the 1950s to 1970s.
The papers, to be released next week, will detail assassination plots, domestic spying and wiretapping, kidnapping and human experiments.
CIA head Michael Hayden has described it as "unflattering but this is about telling the American people what we have done in their name,"
Interestingly, it only goes up to the 70s because the recent actions of the CIA would make for some very fine reading material.
Whether any light will be shone on the much rumoured 'Monarch Project' which the USA and Nazi scientists were supposed to have run in the 50s and 60s is doubtful.
Should still make some uncomfortable reading for some though.

1 comment:

  1. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

    Not much has changed inside "The Company" and sadly, I doubt anything will in the coming years.

    Ook ook
