FOAB Information

Friday 20 July 2007

Because She Got High

Attending University means different things to different people. To some it is an opportunity to gain a qualification that will lead to a well paid job.
For others it is the chance to break free from parental rule, inhale, smoke and drink anything you can get your grubby little hands on before re-emerging 3 years later grasping a 3rd and wondering where the hell the last 3 years of your life went.
Some take that award and actually put into practise what they learnt in the student halls of residence, some people such as the new Home Secretary Jacqui Smith who has admitted to rolling up her fair share of spliffs during her time at Cambridge University.
Refreshing for a politician to admit to her drug taking past, especially one given the job of overseeing the possible reclassification of cannabis from a Class C drug to Class B, although her boss may not see it that way.
Admission of a less than whiter than white past used to sound the death knell to any decision maker. When asked if he had tried the drug, Bill Clinton famously said that he had had a few tokes but he didn't like it, didn't inhale and never tried it again.
Fast forward a few years and Democratic nomination, Barack Obama, far from trying to deny it, wrote in his memoir that in his youth, "Pot had helped, and booze. A little blow when you could afford it. Not smack, though."
So what if Jacqui Smith smoked cannabis while at University, there are far worse things she could of done while she was. She could of joined the Conservative Party.


  1. Speaking on behalf of conservatives world wide, we'd be happy to have her.

  2. I was most amazed that Ruth Kelly admitted to a toke or two! I reckon she should take the habit up again, might do her the world of good.

  3. I reckon this is a smart ploy by the government. Such ostensibly 'honest' admissions of recreational drugtaking (only in their dim & distant past, funnily enough) can only shine a big light on David Cameron's coy refusal to talk about his own debauched druggy times.... leaving us to conclude that he probably still injects a mixture of liquid LSD and adrenaline into his perineum just before his night-time Horlicks.

    I mean, really David. What else can we think? :-p

  4. "Speaking on behalf of conservatives world wide, we'd be happy to have her."

    Especially if she has good high-grade connections.

  5. For what it's worth -

    I patterned my University days after the movie Animal House. I tried like hell to be a lethal hybrid of Bluto and Otter, but sadly was far more Pinto than anyone else.

    I couldn't even manage to be the sycophantic lap-dog, Boone.

    Ook ook

  6. Anymore, when younger politicians profess to never having tried to green I laugh. If not because I think they're bold faced liars then because they missed out on some good times.

  7. Judging by some of the decisions our politicians make, i think some of them are still indulging.
