FOAB Information

Wednesday 18 July 2007

First Impressions

"If this weren't a one-shot deal and people were exposed to her vapid, condescending behaviour on a weekly basis, she'd not just be unwelcome in America, she'd be run out." The New York Post.
That would be Victoria Beckham after less than a week in her new country then.


  1. I don't follow paparazzi type stuff, so I don't know what she's done, but I feel that if Ann Coulter can't get run out, no one can.

  2. Lucy, I hate to get in a pissing match with such a wonderful country as you have there in the U.K, but as far as vapid, annoying, bubble-headed waste of space celebrities, I think we win the contest hands down. I don't think that Posh and Becks will register much past this week in the news. They are B list at best here in the land of annoying celebs.

  3. I have to agree with Cody. We did produce Anna Nicole and Paris Hilton afterall.:)

  4. Have to say, I watched the "Coming to America" show this week with one eye on the telly and found her charming. I actually LIKED her after. But the show got slammed by critics here. We love to hate the rich and glamorous.

  5. Since "posh" is in LA, her antics, shallow nature, and all that will just seem par for the course.

    But she has the advantage of a sexy accent and a marginal sense of humor, so she will actually be considered somewhat charming.

    In any event, she is irrelevant. What is important is that Becks' goddamned ankle heals and he manages to be effective in set pieces, as the Galaxy are an atrocious team.

    Ook ook

  6. I hope she falls flat on her face, she is not my favourite person.
    I see Galaxy are playing one of our finest in Chelsea this weekend Fez and Beckham is doubtful because of his ankle being knackered.
    Why did he go all that way to play for an atrocious team when he could of just signed for Tottenham?

  7. I recall an early John Stewart/Daily Show...maybe 1999 or 2000. Posh was his guest, and she was awful toward him. A bitch, really.
    That sealed it for me, early on. He handled it in his graceful and self-deprecating way, of course.
    That said, I still had to endure several years of The Spice Girls because I had 2 young daughters!
    I have no doubt that the Beckhams will fit right into the vapid culture of the U.S.A.

  8. lucy -

    Becks signed because of Hollywood, his youth footy academy here in LA, a ton of money, and his Scientology pals.

    As far as Chelsea - that was supposed to be his coming out party. As it turns out, he will be on the sidelines and LA will get whipped at least 4-0.

    Interesting side note, Steve Jones (ex Pistols guitarist) is here in LA - Santa Monica to be exact (like me), and he is a HUGE Chelsea boy.

    Back to the Galaxy, they are a sorry side, but not too far from being quite capable. They only need a few pieces and a bit of luck with injuries.

    Ook ook

  9. She hasn't changed at all annie and it really does gladden my little heart to hear other people discovering what she is like.

    Sorry Fez, i was just having a cheap jibe at my teams (Arsenal)lesser rivals.
    Are you going to the Galaxy v Chelsea game Fez? If you find yourself sat behind Steve Jones remember to gob in his hair, he used to like that. I hear he is a radio DJ there now.

  10. Just you wait, Lucy: Sept 15th. We're going Gooner hunting... See how they run.

  11. Lucy: Steve is indeed a DJ at a local LA radio station (Indie 103.1 for those of you in SoCal). His show is called "Jonsey's Juke Box" and is absolutely fantastic. I've been listening for the last 4 years, pretty much since he started. The best bits aren't the music (though his selection can be great! Where else will one here Desmond Dekker nowadays), but his guests are outstanding. You can catch him on streaming audio here every M-F at noon LA time.

    Cheezy & Lucy: Although I tend to be more an Inter supporter (and Hajduk Split as a close 2nd), when it comes to the Premier league I will admit to a fondness for the Gunners, simply because of Fever Pitch. I read that years back and decided anyone who can write that well about his lifelong association with a club must have good taste. Besides, who else would I back? Man U? The Spurs? Crystal Freaking Palace?

    Ook ook

  12. Hmm...Watch 90 minutes of a game that usually has less than 5 really exciting moments OR a NASCAR 500-mile race?

    Wait, the grass needs to be cut!

    (Key to snarky replies: O'Tim is a big cycling fan!)

