FOAB Information

Tuesday 31 July 2007

Brown In Blair's Clothes

It was all going so well for Gordon Brown. He was up in the polls and gaining rave reviews for his decisions so far in Government and then his honeymoon period comes to a shuddering halt one flight to Washington later.
Don't know what he thought he could gain by cuddling up to a universally unpopular American President and all the more fool him if he thinks he can avoid the same fate as his predecessor who was forced to jump before he was pushed by his own party.
After a few members of his new, European looking Cabinet made all the right noises about moving away from supporting the more radical aspects of American foreign policy, Brown has plunged headlong back into the debate about cosying up to the most right wing and gung-ho administration for generations.
The words "We should acknowledge the debt the world owes to the US for its
leadership in this fight against international terrorism" are sounding very Blairite, and are sure to stick in the craw of many of the same people who were looking for Brown to lead us out of the American love-in years of Blair.
The Conservatives must be licking their lips at Browns own goal but he should be more
worried about the sound of knives being sharpened by his own party members.


  1. The highlight of the Brown-Bush makeout (snogging for my UK friends) session has to have been this quote from Bush (I'm paraphrasing):

    People who kill innocent men, women, and children for political gain are evil.

    And yes, he said it with a straight face.

    Ook ook

  2. What's wrong with an American love-in. I love Americans myself

  3. A Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld love in? Is that a shotgun in your pocket Mr Cheney or are you just plea...BOOM.
    Americans are great, just not the guys who run our former colony.

  4. Another tick in the "I love Americans" column here... in fact, in honour of the Diebold electronic voting machine, make it two ticks!
