FOAB Information

Tuesday 31 July 2007

It Makes Me So Angry...

Marx wrote that capitalism would end through the rising up of the working class to bring down a system run by, and for, the benefit of the wealthy few.
While we can only hope that one day a revolution will overhaul the unfair capitalism system we presently have foisted upon us, with every revelation of the rich getting richer and the poorest getting a swift kick in the arse, it inches closer.
Revelations such as the senior executives of the Environmental Agency, main job to defend the country against floods, handed tens of thousands in bonuses while flood victims watch their possessions float away on a tide of filthy water. I reckon they will share in your joy at the bonus for successfully implementing budget cuts as they go into the second week without power or potable water to drink.
Talking of potable water, Thames Water bosses were one of the first to implement a hosepipe ban last year despite being so inept in fixing the antiquated system that today it still leaks a third of it's contents, and yet received a £1.5m bonus.
The shameful list of the vast majority getting shafted by the tiny minority is endless but we just murmur about the injustice of it all and forget aboutit until the next time some Company Executive receives a wedge of our money that would lift countless families out of poverty or pay for some much needed hospital equipment.
Sickening, but a whole lot more so for those poor bastards who wake up everyday on the wrong side of this wholly unfair and unjust system.


  1. Lucy, please educate me. How does an inept government agency equate to capitalism?

  2. The Environmental Agency is not a Government Agency, it is a seperate organisation overseen and part funded by the Government.
    Thames Water is a privatised company, owned by a German firm last i knew.
    Both are run for profit.

  3. "part funded by the Government."

    A recipe for waste and inefficiency.

  4. I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for the downfall of the rich, Lucy.

    When we 'educate' people, that is teach them to think, to question and to act, then Marx might be proved right!

