FOAB Information

Thursday 2 August 2007

Yabba Dabba Gone

The Irish are famed for their fondness of alcoholic beverages but even the most drink hardened Irishman might swear off the Guinness if they saw any of the 10 persons currently missing somewhere in Dublin.
Residents are urged to contact the authorities if there are any sightings of a former Soviet leader, a swastika clad fuhrer, an ex-President of the USA, a 7ft man made out of other's body parts, 4 brightly coloured characters with televisions in their stomachs, a turtle brandishing ninja weapons and a caveman carrying a bowling ball.
The weird and wonderful collection of personalities have gone AWOL from Ireland's National Wax Museum and have been missing for almost 2 months but the Museum have had no luck tracing them locally and have widened their net to round up the missing models.
I do have a theory why nobody has reported the missing waxworks yet though.
In a land that spends more money on alcohol per capita, than any other country in the world, trudging home from the pub after a night on the Murphy's and finding Teddy Roosevelt or Fred Flintstone sat at your kitchen table may not be such an unusual event in the Emerald Isles.


  1. Perhaps they've been melted down to hide the crime.

  2. Fez,

    For a second there I thought you were talking about the Mexicans.:)

    I have to go with Jody's theory. Either that or they're currently residing in Bill Gates's very own museum. He has one, doesn't he? In the north wing of his house?:)

    Word verification: tiamio


  3. Jenny -

    The crimes of Mexicans are forgiven by the creation of tacos and tequila blanca.

    Ook ook

  4. Hey! Fez! Watch it! A lot of my ancestors are Irish! I can personally vouch for everything you're saying :)

  5. Ireland is a place where two religious groups who both called themselves 'Christians' have spent decades killing and hating each other.

    Things wax and wane there it seems!
