FOAB Information

Sunday 5 August 2007

Boom Boom Obama

Sometimes in politics, the best option is to just keep quiet and allow the other person to tie their own noose and slowly strangle themselves.
Hilary Clinton must be thinking her Christmas and Birthday have come together as Barack Obama takes his size 9 wing tip and plants it firmly in his mouth.
Boom Boom Obama said President Bush should have concentrated on Afghanistan and Pakistan and would not hesitate to use force to take out those who pose a threat to the US in Pakistan, with or without Pakistan President, Pervez Musharraf's, permission.
One can only assume that Obama's logic is to try and appeal to the Fox News viewership to try and broaden his appeal and say to the right wing that he can be just as irresponsible as any Republican war-monger that has two conflicts on the go and is getting his arse handed to him on a plate.
Unless i am very much mistaken, it is naivety of the most spectacular kind that see's a Presidential hopeful run on a campaign of promising to send troops into yet another Asian country when you are still receiving home the body bags from the last two.
Mrs Clinton is watching her rivals drop off one by one and with the exception of Al Gore stepping in, she can be confident she will be measuring up the curtains for the White House in November 2008 if it continues.


  1. I can't imagine what he was thinking. EVEN IF we needed to deal more harshly with Pakistan, you wouldn't tell them of the plan years in advance and give them time to prepare. What if they begin attacking our troops in the Middle East now because of Obama's posturing? It's just too stupid. None of the rightwingnuts are going to vote for Obama anyway -- someone must have given him really bad advice. And you know what? I think we've had more than enough of Presidents who can't separate good advice from bad!!

  2. "What if they begin attacking our troops in the Middle East now because of Obama's posturing?"

    If they go on the attack just because of what a CANDIDATE says more than a year before the actual election, then wouldn't they be sort of proving his point?

  3. I don't think Pakistan would be foolhardy enough to pick a fight with America, but it does give credence to those in Pakistan who are against helping the USA because as their actions against Saddam, and to a leser degree the Taliban, showed, friend can turn to foe with un-nerving speed and deadly consequence.

  4. He has also managed to piss off the group of people in this country who actually see Pakistan as an allied country.

  5. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that Clinton and Obama both lose. I can't stand either one of them. They're both Bushies in disguise. Ugh.

    If they go on the attack just because of what a CANDIDATE says more than a year before the actual election, then wouldn't they be sort of proving his point?

    Joe, it's quite possible that the ones that would be attacking have no idea there's a difference. Imagine their version of Cheney, telling them lies, bolstering their hate and getting them to attack. I can see it. I hope it doesn't happen, but zealots hate for any reason and I can imagine them tying all of the U.S. to anyone who gets air time.

  6. "zealots hate for any reason"

    Exactly why I would hesitate to blame Obama.

  7. Sometimes the Democrats don't seem to realise what a very fine line there is between proving you're as tough as the Republicans (or least as tough as they are perceived to be), and proving you're as dumb as them.

    FWIW, I don't think Obama is as dunder-headed as this remark would seem to indicate, but candidates have really got to watch what they say, even this far out from the polls. Remember Al Gore's 'I invented the internet' slip? (He didn't really say that, not exactly anyway, but perception is reality in politics, and he was at least guilty of speaking clumsily).

    (In terms of misspeaking before the election, Dubya was the exception that proves the rule, of course - pre 2000 he came out with all sorts of gobble-de-gook; he could even profess ignorance about the names of the leaders of Chechnya, Taiwan, India and Pakistan - and the more ignorant he seemed, the more he was roundly lauded as 'a man of the people'!)
