FOAB Information

Saturday 7 July 2007

A Message To You, Rudy

There are several ways a politician can have his campaign derailed before it has even got going. In America the smallest thing can result in plummeting down the popularity stakes and before you know it you have as much chance of reaching the top job as Fred West has of winning landlord of the year.
Howard Dean's primal scream and John Kerry 'looking French' sent them tumbling last time so Rudy Giuliani should fall so far he will wake up in Australia after the latest revelations concerning his wife's antics in the canine world.
Judith Giuliani demonstrated surgical products for a controversial medical-supply company that used dogs to demonstrate their instruments by needlessly operating on them and then destroying the unwilling patient. Hundreds of pooches were either put to death following the sales demonstrations to sell medical stapling tools, or died during them.
Granted, it was his wife and not him massacring dogs for profit, but the fallout should have a negative effect on his chances unless he comes out and condemns her actions or she breaks down and pleads for forgiveness.
At least it will take the spotlight off his 'interesting' private life which includes a 14 year marriage to his own cousin.


  1. As disgusting as the animal experimentation revelations are, I wish the US was the kind of country where expressing an antipathy towards reality and science would count as a negative, not a bonus, for one's presidential aspirations.

  2. Marrying your cousin can only help you win elections in the south.

  3. And my luck that I can't get the bastard's crew to take me off their e-mailing list.

    And good point, AV

  4. A couple of observations:

    1) John Kerry didn't lose so much because of some vague Frenchosity of appearance, but because he looked frighteningly as if his face were melting. That and the fact he had to offer infinitely nuanced answers to questions as simple as: "Should one flush the toilet after defecating."

    2) Giuliani's campaign will not be sunk by his wife's dog torture simply because he can point out that anyone opposing slicing and dicing canines is an Anti-American supporter of Terrorism and learned nothing from 9/11. Besides, he's doing enough on his own to derail his campaign without help from his wife.

    Ook ook

  5. That was good, pbh, but now you've got Rudy ads popping up on your blog. Those batturds! I mean, bastards!
