FOAB Information

Sunday 8 July 2007

Tour De France Visits England

After years of suspicious blood tests and dodgy urine samples, a real-life instance of a clean cyclist has brought organisers of the Tour de France to its knees and a question mark hangs over the continuation of this cycling endurance test.
There was uproar in the French head offices of the race today shortly after a cyclist was over-heard to of boasted of being drug-free.
A test has uncovered that the cyclist in question had not actually taken any performance enhancing drug of any description.
'This has really taken us all by surprise,' a Tour spokesman said in a press interview, 'We just assumed that he was out of his box on EPO. This is the first time in my memory that someone has actually turned up clean to one of our races. We heard of that kind of thing happening decades ago but simply dismissed it as low-class gossip.'
The race organisers are in a closed session meeting that may go on throughout the night as they try make sense of this incident and decide on a way forward.


  1. Good one, Lucy. But as a cycling fan I have to say sad, so sad.

  2. It seems o'tim that most professional sport is now tainted with drugs but cycling seems to have moe than its fair share of drug taking cheats. Possibly weightlifting can outdo it.
