FOAB Information

Thursday 30 August 2007

Cheering For Clinton

As previously mentioned, i am backing Hillary Clinton for the top job next year. Not that i know any of her policies or what she plans to do once she replaces the loopy Texan there at the moment, my support is entirely based on the fact that she has mammaries.
Where i was once a lone voice whistling in the European wind, my fight to get the other half of the Clinton family in the White House has been taken up by others this side of the Atlantic.
The poll conducted in Britain, France, Germany and Italy by Angus Reid Global, shows that Europeans overwhelmingly support Hillary Clinton's attempt to become the next US president.
Of course, support for Mrs Clinton in Marseille or Stuttgart means diddly squat but it is nice that we are being asked our opinion.
It is also nice to know that if Clinton gains the Presidency, whacks up tax and generally makes things a whole lot worse for the average American, we are over 5,000 miles away and can be held in now way accountable.
You go girl, you have the support of everyone here which doesn't actually count for anything but we like ya.


  1. LOL! All the candidates for POTUS so far make me throw up a little. Or a lot, depending.

  2. Let's have a president with boobs! Hurrah!

  3. "my support is entirely based on the fact that she has mammaries."

    Mrs. Kucinich has better ones.

  4. I believe the sooner America gets rid of all incestuous political dynasties and politicians who are millionaires the better off the world will be.

    Mams are allowable!

  5. Didn't Thatcher cure you of any incipient "wouldn't it be nice to have a lady-leader?" feelings, Lucy? ;-)

    I afraid I can't stand Hillary. She's a member of the 'better war brigade' i.e. she doesn't want to say anything as politically risky as "We did the wrong thing, by starting an unnecessary war" because that would risk alienating the very large section of the population that buys into the myth that the US is incapable of doing stuff as morally bad as those reprehensible 'Axis of Evil' characters do...

    So instead she (laughably, in my opinion) tries to maintain that the war would have somehow proceeded more successfully with her at the helm.

    Hmmm... Well... Apart from the fact that she wouldn't have appointed a deluded, vainglorious shithead like Rumsfeld to run it, I don't see how she can really say this...

    Weasel words, then. Maybe they'll give her a shot at being elected... OK, I'll give her that... but it doesn't mean I have to like her for it.

    From what I've read of her other positions, I think it would be (mainly) a case of "Meet the new boss, Same as the old boss"... well, apart from the fact that this "new boss" is able to speak English.

    At the moment, I like Kucinich. And that was even before Joe said his wife has nice ones.

    Unforunately, from what I've read in the American media, it seems that amongst potential voters he's only slightly more popular than anthrax.

  6. My 'let's elect women to power' argument does have a large Maggie Thatcher shaped whole in it i agree Cheezy but if Al Gore isn't going to join in on the race then all i have to go on is who has boobies.
    As it is still 17 months or so away there are far too many for me to have a proper view on yet anyway.
    This poll just made me laugh because it is just so pointless.

  7. Just reading this made my eyes bleed. Clinton is just so wrong. She's just as bad as the Rethugs in office now, but likes to pretend otherwise. And why isn't she releasing the papers from her archive until after the election? What is she hiding? She wants open government my ass. Ugh. And make no mistake, she would not take us out of Iraq.

    Please, Lucy, come to your senses. :)

  8. Jenny - I am all for Al Gore but he isn't playing so the big names left are Barack 'Let's bomb Pakistan' Obama, Rudy 'i married my cousin' Giuliani and the Clinton woman.
    As i have always maintained women would do a better job than men when it comes to running the World, i have to plump for Hillary.

  9. ... you know the european poll, you don't happen to remember WHO was polled in europe do you? i mean whether it was the ordinary electorate (people like me) or the politickos?

    it's just that Hilary Clinton is the ONLY presidential candidate I or anyone else I can think of has heard of out here!

    in fact when Bill Clinton was president Hilary's profile on THIS side of the pond was higher than that of many national leaders let alone leaders' wives ... i mean Barbara Bush barely ever got coverage.. neither does whoever George Bush II or whatever he calls himself neither does his wife

    even Nancy Reagan didn't come close...

    what I'm saying is the woman is a star... i've even dreamed of her and i'm not in the habit of dreaming about American politicians...

    I hope she gets in power too... i just think it would be funky to hear your leader called MADAM PRESIDENT.. know what I mean??!?

    great blog... i come here via friends of mutual friends...

    come to mine! gledwood2.blogspot is the place to be .. you're most welcome to drop by any time and have a good peruse of my online confessionals!

    see you there hopefully sometime...

    all the best 2u


    "Vol 2" ...

  10. What Cheezy and JJ said. C'mon Lucy, as long as your going to throw away your no-vote, I'd think you'd no-vote for the most liberal candidate - DK and his hot mama wife, baby!
