FOAB Information

Wednesday 29 August 2007

Freedom Fighter or Terrorist?

Guess who -
The founder of an armed political wing who coordinated guerrilla and paramilitary training for the campaign against government targets.
Admitted to violating human rights, he was found guilty of 'recruiting persons for training in the preparation and use of explosives and in guerrilla warfare for the purpose of violent revolution and committing acts of sabotage'.
After living on the run for seventeen months, he's arrest was allegedly made possible because the CIA tipped off the police as to our mans whereabouts and disguise.
Offered his freedom after 18 years incarceration in return for renouncing violence, the man refused, spending a further 9 in a jail cell.

Interesting choice of statue being unveiled in London tomorrow. If ever there was a man who epitomised the words 'One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter', it is Nelson Mandela.
The British Government had him and his party labelled as terrorists, even refusing to partake in the sanctions against the South African ruling party as did the USA and the French, with the 3 of them even continuing to sell the South African regime arms at the time.
So apart from being old and spending a long time in prison, just how does someone make the transition from a named terrorist to worldwide hero and Nobel Peace Prize winner?
The ANC may not of been in the same class as the Provisional IRA or Al Queada but they took part in an armed insurrection against the government of their country.


  1. The terms Freedom Fighter and Terrorist are simply defined by your view.

    Case in point: This group was formed after a foreign army invaded under flimsy pretext, supplanted the existing government, and installed a puppet regime. They engaged in guerrilla activities; were loosely associated; comprised of men, women, children, civilians, and military; used improvised weapons; engaged in counter propaganda and underground tactics; and were not part of the official military of their country.

    Am I talking about the French Resistance of WWII, the Contras, the Chechen rebels, the Taliban of 1984, all of these, or none of these?

    Ook ook

  2. Our governments have amply shown that there are few if any ethics that can't be bent by the almighty dollar.
