FOAB Information

Saturday 11 August 2007

Inglorious Twelfth

From the same people who brought you the sport of chasing a fox across the countryside until it is exhausted and then condemning it to death by being ripped to pieces to dogs, we present 'The Glorious Twelfth'.
Of course the event is not quite so glorious if you are grouse, but for some sections of the community, the opportunity to prove themselves by blasting a defenceless bird with a double barrelled shotgun is far too attractive.
Part of these chinless wonders who have to kill the wildlife to get their kicks, is our very own Royal Family with Elizabeth and the Greek git regulars on the shooting circuit. Her Maj was even congratulated on her kindness to the victims of the shotgun pellets a few years ago when she wrung the neck of one poor bird that dropped out of the sky and landed at her feet. Of course, the fact that it was the Queen who had blasted the damn thing in the first place was skimmed over.
So if you big brave gunmen want to run around blasting at things, why not pack your bags and pop off over to Iraq or Afghanistan and see just how brave you are with your guns when the target is not quite so defenceless.
You actually prefer to shoot at defenceless things is that? Thought so. Cowards.


  1. Hi Lucy, just wanted to say thanks for your contributions to Boiled Dinner. Unfortunately, it's time for me to call it quits. Well, with BD at least. I'll still be around in comments and at the Film Freaks site. Thanks again.

  2. Foxhunting makes me puke. I hate those people.

  3. Hmm. As a Vegan, you defineately have a leg to stand on in my estimation as to your argument. I don't think that anyone who eats meat or fish has any right to condemn hunting. I am on vacation in Northern Wisconsin this weekend, and I went fishing. I caught a nice amount of Walleye, and we will be eating them tonight. I have hunted deer, and eaten the deer, and given meat to friends and family. I feel that if a Vegan doesn't like hunting, than I respect their opinions, but I won't take it from someone who just ate a factory raised chicken, or bacon from a pen raised pig. I put forth that hunting for food (as well as enjoying it) is MUCH more humane, than factory raised protein, as well as keeping certain animal populations in check. Chasing a fox with dogs though does seem kind of silly.

  4. Given that George is as dumb as an Ox and as silly as a March hare and as vain as a Peacock, it's a shame that an open season for hunting these animals couldn't be instituted just long enough to encompass his earthly demise.


  5. I am very sorry to see your blog shutting down Jeff, especially as your template was easily the most coolest thing i have seen in the blogworld. Best of luck.

    Miz UV - I find fox hunting deplorable and the people who partake in the 'sport' just as sick.

    Cody - I am a vegetarian Cody, Veganism is the next step but not one i want to take.

    Daniel - I am sire Cheney will take him hunting one day.

  6. I must confess I am a meat eater.

    It would be hypocritical of me to oppose hunting for food, but I actually don't have a problem with hunting as long as you eat what you kill.

    However, hunting for sport, trophy hunting, hunting for profit, or hunting to satisfy the male ego, I firmly oppose.

  7. Game/canned hunting is deplorable. What is the fun and adventure of standing a hundred yards and taking out your prey with a superfast bullet? Where's the bravery? What about that makes one a man? Honestly.
    I might be impressed if they were wrestling hungry lions with only a short knife and a stick.

    This is just brutal. And not at all refined.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I think all hunting should be banned... except for the variety of hunting that involves Dick Cheney shooting an old man in the face and then getting him to apologise for it. That's far too funny to ban.

  10. Cheezy, if we ban hunting, than I have a few questions. First, does that include fishing as well? Are you asking for a worldwide ban or just in England? Should all meat just be raised in pens and slaughtered? What about herds of animals that can grow unchecked, and overwhelm an ecosystem (i.e. deer)? What about nusiance animals? What about people who do hunt for sustinance? Burning questions I know. Oh and Lucy, sorry about the vegan mixup, my bad. Luv ya.

  11. I eat meat and fish, Cody, and have happily munched on venison and elk shot by someone who hunts. I don't know anyone who's eaten fox, though, so that particular hunt doesn't seem covered under that umbrella.

  12. Cody: My comment "I think we should ban all hunting" was merely a set-up line for my punchline about Dick Cheney... Sorry if you thought I was being serious, cos I don't really think that all forms of hunting should be banned. Let alone fishing, which I occasionally do myself!

    Having said that, I do think we were right to ban foxhunting though - mainly because the people who get a kick out of watching their dogs rip a fox to pieces are a bunch of chinless wankers who it's always worth pissing off.

  13. Sorry Cheezy, I misunderstood. The whole foxhunting thing sounds dangerously close to dog fighting.

  14. Same basic mentality, I can see that.
