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Thursday 9 August 2007

Watch Your Backs Vampires

Every now and then a television programme comes along that has you so enthralled you end up designing your whole evening around the screening of the show.
That was how i used to spend Tuesday evenings in 1997/98, making sure that everything that has to be done was done prior to 9'o clock and the haunting sight of the full moon on my television set that meant it was time for Buffy.
I was in on Buffy from the very start which is unusual for me because i generally meet programmes a few series in and watched it religiously right up to it's demise in 2003 quickly followed by its spin off show Angel.
I have flirted with other series to try and plug the Buffy shaped hole but Lost, Heroes and Tru Calling just never cut it, although the brilliant 'Dead Like Me' did come close.
There has been rumours of a Joss Whedon inspired sequel to Buffy pinging about for years but finally, the rumours may have some substance.
Joss Whedon has let slip that the much anticipated programme called 'Ripper' is close and will star Anthony Stewart Head in his role of Rupert Giles the Watcher.
Maybe David Boreanaz and I will be reunited on Tuesday evenings. Me with my tea balanced on my lap, him ripping out somebodies jugular and drinking their blood.
It doesn't get much better than that.


  1. You know, I've heard so much about Buffy and have never seen even one episode! I think I saw a few minutes of one and that's it. Don't know what I'll watch after we've gone through all the Sopranos DVDs.

  2. You planned your evening around Buffy? That's bizarre behavior.

    Of course, planning my week around four different Star Treks was perfectly normal. ;-)

  3. I hesitate to inform the MonkeyWife about this, because, like you, she was a complete Buffyphile.

    Of course, if I don't tell her and she finds out I knew, I will be in some deep doo-doo.

    Ook ook

  4. OMG! I can't believe it! It's another member of the BtVS cult! I love you, Lucy. Believe that.

    I've seen every single episode of Buffy. When I couldn't be home to watch it I broke out ye ol' recorder. For a while I took my day off from on Wednesday just to see it. Beautiful.

    I heard about ASH getting his own spot, that was supposedly why he left the show initially. Too bad it won't be shown here. I really liked Giles. It would so be the bomb-diggity if Willow and Xander made appearances. Of course, Anya got cut in half the last eppy, but she can always be resurrected.:)

    Also, I hate Sarah Michelle Gellar for causing my most favorite show of all time to be cancelled.

    Ok, I think I'm done gushing now. Back to the grown up world.:P

  5. I had such a thing for Spike ;)

  6. i used to think buffy was a bit stuck up. like the world revolved around her or something. well i guess it was her show! willow was sweet.

    how about harry potter to fll that gap? nO?

  7. Jodie,

    Spike was most definitely hot.:)
