FOAB Information

Wednesday 22 August 2007

Portugal Squares Up To Texas

I don't know who died and left Portugal in charge but as they hold the rotating Presidency of the European Union, they have decided to use the position to wag a sunburned finger at places that carry out executions.
Hence the reprimand to Texas calling on the State Governor to halt executions. Hence the reply telling Portugal exactly where it can stick it's wagging finger.
Denouncing judicial killings as cruel and inhumane, the Euro representative carried on to say that 'The EU expressed great regret at Texas preparations to carry out its 400th death penalty' and renewed its call to the US to halt executions.
Now it is none of our business if America chooses to fry it's criminals as it is none of Americas business that we don't choose to plug our prisoners into the electric grid.
Personally, i agree with the EU but that is for the leaders of the States to decide and not some European from the Iberian Peninsula.
One of the biggest complaints we throw at the yanks is that they try and tell everyone else what to do, so pull your head in Portugal because as much as we may not like it, it is none of our business.


  1. Couldn't agree more. Aren't there bigger problems for the EU to handle.

  2. Absolutely spot on. It's up to Texans to kick up a stink about it, if they don't like the policy.

    One day people will learn: Wagging the finger and saying 'bad dog' is a very ineffective way of training the homo-sapien.

  3. Bravo! Who, exactly, is Portugal to tell the US how to dispose of our prisoners? If anything, we should be comparing notes with our peers in this matter - like China and Iran.

    Portugal? Sheesh!

    Ook ook

  4. I have no problem wih it. As you said, Lucy, we're never shy about telling other, much older, countries how they should live and what they should do. More than once, we've decided that another country's leader was insufficient to our needs, and sent the military to address the issue. So I certainly won't say that other countries should shut up about their opinions of us and our policies. Fair is fair.

    And if Texas doesn't like it, Texas can fuck off like it should have done long ago.

  5. Thing is Joe, i am the first to start bouncing the remote control about the room when i hear the USA commenting on Euro matters so only fair i get just as remote control bouncing over us trying to tell the USA how to do things.
    If Portugal was going to moan about anything it should of been the annoying habit of you americans applauding every 2 mins when someone is making a speech. Now that DOES drive me crackers.

  6. I'm for Joe the Troll! There seems to be a link between executions and the violence that has pervaded America since its formation.

    The God of War and Killing truly reigns in America!


  7. "If Portugal was going to moan about anything it should of been the annoying habit of you americans applauding every 2 mins when someone is making a speech. Now that DOES drive me crackers."

    I love listening to concert recording with British audiences. They're so quiet until the end of the song.
