FOAB Information

Tuesday 21 August 2007

Another Anti-War Nutter

Don't those anti-war supporters ever give up. Here is yet another one of those
pacifist weirdo's putting in his pennyworth.
So who is it this time saying that an American invasion of Iraq would lead to a quagmire and saying "That's a very volatile part of the world, and if you
take down the central government of Iraq, you could very easily end up seeing pieces of Iraq fly off. It's a quagmire if you go that far and try to take over Iraq,""

Yes, yes, that's what we said before the Invasion and if only the Brits & American leaders had listened to you when you said removing Saddam was not worth many more American lives than the 146 lost in repelling him from Kuwait.
So who is this level headed man spouting such truths 9 years before the Iraq debacle?

Oops, this could prove quite embarrassing Mr Cheney. I wonder if Fox News want me to email them the link.


  1. Funny how the Prince of Darkness made such a slip. Perhaps he went to a strip club and got blind drunk, revealed an unusual bit of commonsense or intelligence.

    Didn't last long!

  2. Even though all but the most deluded of pro-war people can easily see what a fiasco that the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan have been in most respects, I think that it's entirely possible to overplay how disappointed some of the key neocons themselves have been with the results of the whole enterprise.

    Specifically, I'm talking about fantastic amounts of money, the Unocal pipeline, permanent bases there to protect the oil, and the consequent ability to leverage prices. Since 2003, some people have made serious, serious money, much of it on the back of the US/UK taxpayer.

    These are major benefits, and from the neocons point of view, the major costs in accruing these benefits are being borne by 'other people' - the Iraqi people, the military, the taxpayer etc... and it will also be passed onto future generations.

    However, I'll certainly acknowledge that these 'costs' are much greater than the neocons anticipated, and they don't appear to have learned from the experience of others in that part of the world.

  3. That is priceless, Lucy. Absolutely priceless. I would love nothing more than for him to be faced with it by the public (maybe giant movie screens in in places where he hangs out), and try to talk his way out of this one.

  4. I emailed Fox News with the link, haven't checked my email yet but i am not expecting much. Just a note telling me to 'eff off would be nice.

  5. Yes, the main media outlets are pretty much ignoring this, but it's all over Blogovia. And as we've seen, Cheezy, those who still support the war don't care much about reality, they just make stuff up. The most current new one I've seen was that this was a war for women's rights! Isn't that hilarious? It might as well have been a war for religious equality.

  6. This was on The Daily Show last week. Wednesday or Thursday, I believe. It's flippin' hilarious.

  7. Isn't it lovely that the camera never lies, unlike politicians.

  8. (Whoops, I posted that last night after splitting a bottle of very good whisky with my mate... clearly, my vocabulary was feeling slightly 'liberated'... Sorry for being such a Sweary Mary...)

  9. Bang goes my Disney rating. Bollicks.
