FOAB Information

Friday 17 August 2007

Denmark Saying Bedrøvelig

You wouldn't think it to look at them now, but Scandinavians have not always been the laid back, wouldn't-hurt-a-fly collection of nations at the geographical top of Europe.
Go back to around 800AD and parts of the British Isles were in the midst of getting their bagdel kicked by rampaging Danes who had little interest in admiring our elegantly decorated monasteries and were far more inclined to raze them to the ground. And then pillage, rape and generally slaughter us.
Firm believers in letting bygones be bygones, we now see Denmark as that place we get our beer and bacon from and concentrate on berating Germans for their ancestors starting 2 World Wars but those dashingly nice Danes have not forgotten us.
Arriving in Ireland on a replica Viking longboat, the Danish culture minister, Brian Mikkelson, apologised for the Norse invasions and destruction inflicted.
Apology accepted Brian, now say sorry for the god-awful 'Barbie Girl' by your fellow countrymen, Aqua.


  1. I think part of the reason you folks over in Merry Olde England are so forgiving toward the Danes, etc is that both you and they share a common searing dislike for Ze Germans.

    Remember, the enemy of my enemy and all.

    Ook ook

  2. That Barbie Girl crap came from Denmark??????

    I'm thinking regime change. Big time.

  3. great, i have barbie girl stuck in my head now!!

  4. Okay ... I have to admit. What is Barbie Girl?

    Ook ook

  5. life in plastic/is fantastic
    yep..still there today!
