FOAB Information

Wednesday 15 August 2007

Protesters Are Not Terrorists

Some of my earliest memories are of being dropped off at relatives while my parents went off to protest about something or other. Both parents, but my mother especially, have an overwhelming desire to stomp off and wave a home-made banner in someones face if they feel there has been an injustice.
As far as i am aware, they were never labelled as terrorists which seems to be the term used today to describe anyone who disagrees with the wisdom of the Government and decides to make a stand against there decisions.
At present there are almost 200 protesters on a strip of scrub land beside Heathrow Airport protesting against plans to add an extra runway to the airport. For the couple of hundred demonstrators, there are almost 2000 police officers.
This isn't your usual congregation of hippies and anarchists, quite a large number of them are locals from the area who don't want their homes concreted over.
The peaceful protests have so far been subject to police intimidation with officers dressed in riot gear patrolling the fence and cars approaching the site being searched under the Terrorism Act which Tony Blair knee-jerked into existence as if blowing people up on the underground was somehow legal before he brought out more laws.
For a Democracy and a supposed supporter of free speech, our countries law enforcers and politicians sure do make it known that while we have the right to protest, they will do all they can to make it as difficult as possible to go about it.
Disagreeing with the decision makers does not make you an enemy of society, neither does erecting a few tents and waving a few banners against climate change. Heavy handed policing, intimidation and labelling innocent people terrorists will do though.


  1. Here in the good, gung-ho, US of A the ability to avoid being designated a terrorist and having all your assets seized by the Feds, merely for protesting Bu$hCo's policies, is now a matter left to the sole discretion of the Justice Department.

    It stinks.

  2. Don't you trust your government, Kvatch? Shame on you!

  3. I have to wonder if the government can always be blamed, Cheezy. After all, it is the people on a whole who are too busy and too disinterested for democracy these days. What politicians wouldn't try to take advantage of that?

  4. Well, hello, Kvatch! Probably don't remember me (especially since changing my name- used to be Gratis). Good to see ya.

    Anyway, there was a group of older ladies who used to sing in protest of our government and were labeled terrorists. Doesn't that make you feel so safe and warm? It's ridiculous. By simply commenting on your blog, because you're not a U.S. citizen, I'm practically begging to be put under surveillance. And don't even think of waving a protest sign when the Bush van goes through town (my town a couple of years ago, actually) because your ass will get arrested for trespassing. No lie.


  5. It stinks because it is exactly this lack of free speech we used to bash the authoritarian regimes over the head with.
    And we are suppossed to support exporting this type of democracy to other 'less developed' nations?

  6. I agree with you Lucy - even though I violently disagree with this particular protest - I do support their right to peaceful protest unconditionally. The protesters should have an absolute right to air their views however they see fit - they should indeed feel free to protest, and they should certainly not be molested by unprecedented heavy-handed policing.

  7. Ah, Courtney, where have you been? The world that surrounds you has changed. Big Brother is here in our midst and wants to cradle us all in his big, brawny arms.

    If you struggle you will be rendered then, while you scream, your views will be modified. It's not 2007 anymore. It's 1984!

  8. even though I violently disagree with this particular protest

    Interesting turn of phrase there, Courtney.

    Yes, in the States it's gotten to where they allow protesters to be put in the least conspicuous place from the media and the attendees of events like WTO conferences.

  9. O'Tim,

    I do admit I was knackered when I wrote that - reading that back first thing in the morning I can see that your criticism is very fair.

    What I meant to say was everytime I see those anti-flying protestors, steam comes out of my ears and I'm overcome by a great urge to go out a buy a gun - with extra clips.

    Nevertheless, Lucy is right, these people are far from terrorist whether I like them or not.

  10. i have to admit lucy, your views are a breath of fresh air compared to some that i have to put up with on a daily basis!

  11. Then let us "terrorists" hold hands through the SHIT they call democracy.

