FOAB Information

Monday 17 September 2007

Beyond Words

A seven-month-old baby has been shot dead "execution-style" while strapped into a car seat.
The boy's 21-year-old father was also gunned down in Sacramento, California.
Police said the man had taken his son with him to visit friends. He left the child in the car and went to knock on his friends' front door. When it was answered, two other men forced their way inside.
Officers said that, in the ensuing melee, the father was shot at least twice in the upper body.As the pair fled, they stopped to shoot the infant in the head.
Investigators initially believed the child had been killed accidentally by a stray bullet, but later determined he was shot dead deliberately.

There are no words to describe how i felt reading this. It is one of those rare occasions that i wish i hadn't stumbled across the story. Truly is sickening beyond belief.


  1. I really can't think of anything to say except that its sickening beyond belief.

  2. Mind-numbing to say the least, especially since my son turned seven months old last week. What, did they think a seven-month-old child could identify them? That reason wouldn't lessen the malice, but would add to the ignorance of the perps. Crimes like this try my resolve against the death penalty, though as punishments go, I feel as if just about anything short of that wouldn't be more cruel or unusual for this pair of space-wasters.

  3. Yuck. I remain opposed to the death penalty as a policy (for reasons too beside-the-point to go into here), but I'd not give a toss if this scumbag got his head thoroughly kicked in (Jeffrey Dahmer style) while in prison.

  4. Some stories just make you lose faith in the human race.

    This is one of them.

  5. Hard to find words isn't it stephen,
    nothing seems strong enough to describe the people who could do somethign liek this.
    Like you o'tim, reading things like this chips away at my stand against the death penalty, as it does also to my aversion to violence if Cheezys suggestion got taken up.
    It really does make you wonder what we are becoming doesn't it pj, and that is a scary thought.

  6. Wow. That's disgusting. I can't even imagine... Put them in the general population at Pelican Island. They'll take care of them.

  7. That's seriously f’ed up. Even the worse offenders in prison follow a moral compass and don't take kindly to the baby killers.

  8. i love guns!
    (don't you?)
    really, really twisted.

  9. Yep, and love the really brave people who use them.
