FOAB Information

Tuesday 18 September 2007

Israel Staying Strangely Silent

Something curious going on in the Middle East tonight involving muddled reports of conflict between Israel, Syria and involving North Korea.
Israel are never shy of telling the World of the latest bombing mission against whoever they take aim at but this time they have pulled down the shutters and enforced strict censorship rules on its media and banned even the most senior officials from discussing the raids.
According to leaked reports, Israeli jets entered Syrian airspace and bombed and destroying a facility which they believe was North Korean nuclear material before Israeli ground forces were sent into north eastern Syria to target another site.
Other reports put Israel in a daring game of provocation to force Syria's hand and give it no option but to go to war with Israel.
Thus far Syria has only admitted Israel breached its airspace but insists it did not bomb anywhere, merely dumping its munitions instead.
Syria has warned it will respond to the incursion into its territory which would see an horrendous escalation of violence in the Middle East, probably drawing in Iran who have a defensive pact with Syria.
Either Syria have been discovered building a nuclear bomb with help from North Korea or Israel have been caught red-handed deliberately provoking, Suez style, another Middle East conflict.
If it is the latter, the UK and US fingerprints will be all over it, i guarantee it.


  1. Yes, it's very strange. If Israel did knock out a nuke site without causing casualties, that's pretty awesome. But who knows at this point.

  2. I just find it weird that if Syria have been caught building nukes, why keep it quiet?

  3. The game of Russian Roulette in the M.E. continues with America and Israel deeply engaged in facilitating it.

    If these two countries disappeared from earth tomorrow the world would be a much less fraught place.

    When will the rest of the world combine to stop their menace?


  4. Don't forget, Daniel..... if we go, so do our lapdogs across the pond.

  5. And then the eskimos are screwed.

  6. But on the bright side Stephen, so would Celine Dion.
