FOAB Information

Thursday 20 September 2007

Fancy Meeting You Here

Someone must of given Rudy Giuliani some duff advice and not just because the Republican
Presidential candidate has landed in London during his campaign for office, an office over 5000 miles away in another continent.
As if rubbishing our Health System was not enough, he then went on to gush about
one of the most vilified Prime Ministers this country has ever had in Maggie Thatch, bar the last incumbent of 10 Downing Street.
'I'm probably one of the four or five best known Americans in the world,' Giuliani boasted which beggars the question, who are the only 4 Americans Rudy puts above himself?
An even more important question is why is he trying to convince us Brits of his great qualities and popularity? We don't give a stuff so shouldn't he be in his own country trying to convince Americans that he's not just a Bush clone with a really stupid comb over?


  1. I dare Guiliani to crow about his own country's health care system. How many uninsured is that now?

  2. Lucy - do us a favor. Keep him occupied.

  3. What a self-aggrandizing putz this guy is. He's gone a long, long way on the back of 9-11, earning millions in speaker's fees.

    But people seem to forget that (and this is putting the kindest interpretation on events) he was partly responsible for the security failure in the first place - insisting (against better advice) that the city's emergency command centre be put in the WTC itself (a very strange decision), not updating the fire department's radios as requested (despite having 7 years to do so), and not instigating interagency protocols for dealing with terror attacks or high-rise fires. All of this with the 'warning bell' of the attack on the WTC in 1993 still ringing freshly in his ears.

    This is a worthwhile read, if you have time:,barrett,77463,6.html

    Anyway, maybe Rudi's visit isn't so monumentally important... cos I didn't even know he was in the country until I read it at 'Falling on a Bruise' - and I read the news every morning.

    And this is how the AP reported it:

    "I'm probably one of the four or five best known Americans in the world," Giuliani told a small group of reporters at a posh London hotel as onlookers gathered in the lobby to gawk at actor Dustin Hoffman who was on a separate visit.

    Upstaged by Dustin Hoffman? Ha! It's a long time since 'Tootsie', Rudi!

  4. Giuliani shmiuliani as they say in Golders Green! With any luck the sweep over police will exercise his zero tolerance policy and zap his arse with a tazer. Ooops, did I say arse!
