FOAB Information

Sunday 30 September 2007

Keeping Huntley Alive

Infamous child killer, Ian Huntley, has been returned to prison after treatment for his third unsuccessful suicide attempt.
The hugely popular consensus was that the prison guard who found him should of just left him and come back in an hour just to check that he was dead.
Originally i was of the mind to agree, let him take his own life and i hope it hurt like nothing he had ever felt before.
Then it struck me, if he was hating his life sentence so much that he was willing to end his own life to escape it, i didn't want him to die.
I want him to sit in his cell, slowly rotting and regretting everyday of his miserable life as he serves his punishment for his evil deeds.
True, it would not bring back the two girls he murdered but i do not want him to be resting in peace, i want him fearful and racked with remorse and hating everyday of his miserable existence as his naturally allotted time on this planet slowly ebbs away.
So no, Ian Huntley should not be able to kill himself, he should be made to live every single day of his punishment and then if he is still alive at the end of his two prison sentences, leave the paracetamol box in his cell and then let him do what he wants with them.

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