FOAB Information

Saturday 29 September 2007

Ron Paul For President?

Being a political animal i do tend to visit quite a few sites concerning the upcoming American election. I have stuck my colours to the Hilary Clinton mast (or Al Gore if he ever throws his eco-friendly hat into the ring) and she does seem to draw the largest amount of support but one name that i do see crop up frequently is Ron Paul.
Not hearing him mentioned as a supposed big animal, i didn't pay much attention and dismissed him as a long shot with little appeal who would drop by the wayside.
He does seem to be hanging on in there so i googled the guy and was pleasantly surprised at what i found, especially as he is a Republican who should be breathing fire & brimstone and looking for new ways to get Americans trembling under their beds in fear of the big bad World.
Mr. Paul turns out to be a Texan who supports a non-interventionist foreign policy. He voted against the Iraq War Resolution and the Patriot Act and is opposed to the death penalty.
With the instantly dislikable McCain, the imploding Giuliani and that guy from Law & Order being the main competition for the Republican candidacy, Ron Paul might fancy his chances.
If he is still poodling about when the field starts to whittle down he could be a dark horse because he seems to have quite a wide-ranging fan base from the moderate right and the left. He could be one worth keeping an eye on.


  1. I like his approach to foreign policy. It's certainly a refreshing change from the neocons to which we've become all to accustomed. Unfortunately, economically he is very right wing.

  2. "economically he is very right wing"

    There are actually some of of who think that's a good thing. Long live Milton Friedman.

  3. I was thinking the same way after I heard a couple of his soundbites from the GOP Presidential debate (about Iraq)... but Miz Uv & Jennyjinx enlightened me about some of his other positions, and they didn't sound too good. It sounded like he had some weird/racist views about black people in particular.

  4. I will hunt about and see what these racist views are.

  5. he has some definite strong points. what holds me back is his position on abortion. not pro choice. that's always troubling to me, and hey-i am a mom-of-three.

  6. The thing about Ron Paul is that he is a strict Libertarian. He isn't hiding his views, pandering for votes, he is what he is. No surprises, no bullshit. While not agreeing with his every position, I have to respect his candor and honesty and that he campaigns by saying what he means, and meaning what he says. Refreshing, isn't it.

  7. "He isn't hiding his views, pandering for votes, he is what he is. No surprises, no bullshit."

    You're saying he's got no chance then? ;-)

  8. What a motely mob of grasping opportunists the candidates are on both sides of the fence.

    After Bush, surely the office of President should be abolished forever! Cheers.
