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Thursday 15 November 2007

Band Made In Heaven

So there was God and i sitting on his cloud and pondering what to get Jesus for Christmas. The little nipper has got everything he could ever want when he suddenly the big guy hits upon the idea of bringing together the finest dead musicians in heaven for a Happy Birthday Jesus concert.
God being a bit on the lazy side, delegated it to me to set off and track down the best dead people for a five piece band.
I don't know many drummers, apart from The Who's Keith Moon and Led Zeppelin's John Bonham who have croaked so i was about to plump for one of them until i remember the great drumming on 'Wipe Out' by the Safari's. Luckily, Ron Wilson died of a brain aneurysm in the 80s so i give him the sticks and plonk him down behind the drum kit.
The bass player was a choice of another dead The Who musician, John Entwistle, Pistols Sid Vicious or Phil Lynott from Thin Lizzy. Lynott it is then.
Rhythm guitar was handed to Joe Strummer and lead to Jimi Hendrix with a warning to not do any of that weird feedback crap or he is out. And put that joint out hippy.
Frontman is a toughie. The ultimate in cool Kurt Cobain or the ultimate showman Freddie Mercury. Freddie gets the nod.
So my final line up for the best band made up of famous dead musical types is:
Ron Wilson (Drums), Phil Lynott (Bass), Joe Strummer (Rhythm Guitar), Jimi Hendirx (lead Guitar) and Freddie Mercury (Vocals).
First up on the playlist, "Sympathy for the Devil", that should go down a storm up here.


  1. I doubt that the song could go over worse than having the gayest frontman in rock serenading Jesus on his birthday.

    As far as the rest..... let's just color me speechless.

  2. It was quite hard to think of a 5 piece made up of dead people everyone would have heard of. Have a go yourself but it has to be musicians most people will know.

  3. Actually, I remember Thin Lizzy but couldn't have named any of them.

  4. maybe jesus was gay? ;)
    one never knows.
    an eclectic line-up, lucy.

  5. I only know Phil Lynott from Thin Lizzy, couldn't name you any other member of that band.
    Everyone liked Freddie didn't they? I thought he was universally liked by all, even with that dodgy moustache.

  6. Everyone liked Freddie didn't they?

    I didn't mind him... until he took his band to South Africa during the apartheid years, breaking the cultural boycott by playing to those nice, orderly, spotlessly white audiences in Sun City.

    What a prick.

    Great voice though!

  7. Fair enough Cheezy, the Sun City thing had slipped my mind.

  8. I didn't know about the Sun City thing, and I never had a problem with Freddie. I just found it interesting considering the audience. This isn't a match like JFK and Marilyn, after all.

  9. This might be a harsh call but I think dying of AIDS is the best thing that could have happened to Freddie's reputation.

    Cynical, moi?

  10. In light of recent findings, maybe Freddie should be put on the reserves bench and a new person drafted in.
    Michael Hutchence from INXS maybe?

  11. "Michael Hutchence from INXS maybe?"

    I'm outta this.
