FOAB Information

Sunday 18 November 2007

No Surprises Here Then

Why does this story from that seat of Woman's Human Rights known as Saudi Arabia not surprise me.
A 19 year old woman was raped 14 times by seven men. In court the men were sentenced to between 10 months and five years for the offence. The victim was sentenced to 90 lashes as punishment for riding in a car with a man who was not a relative.
The woman appealed and the judge agreed that receiving 90 lashes for being gang raped was outrageous so he ordered her to receive 200 lashes instead and jailed her for six months.
She is expected to appeal again as soon as she appoints a new lawyer because her original one had his licence revoked for backing the woman's appeal against the original decision.


  1. It's the law itself that is foreign to our way of thinking, not the situation. In America, if a woman were raped while doing something that is illegal here, such as selling crack, then the rapists would be charged with rape and she would be charged with selling crack. It seems odd to us because we don't have a religious government that uses corporal punishment against women for such things.

    All we do is ally ourselves with such countries, while overthrowing their competitors that happen to have far more western policies toward women.

  2. Very true joe, although on this occasion i do think our way is a more preferable method.

  3. Oh, absolute agreement. But then again, so do they. But then again, we're right.
