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Monday 31 December 2007

Hoping You Have A Good One

Another used up calendar dropped into the bin to be replaced by a fresh, clean one and so i want to wish everyone who has visited this blog in the past year all the best for the coming year.
I expect there are some who have disagreed with every sentence i have typed or we have crossed swords over something at some instance but to them and everyone i have met during my time blogging, whether we have agreed, swore at each other or just plain not seen eye to eye on anything, i hope you all have a great 2008 and it brings everything you wish and more.


  1. Same to you, Lucy!

  2. Yes, I went through my old kitty calendar last night, marking down birthdays, etc. in my new kitty calendar. Wishing you a great '08, Lucy . . . cheers!

  3. Best wishes for the new year, Lucy. :)

  4. i enjoy your posts.
    happy new year, lucy.

  5. I hope you have an amazing 2008, Lucy!
