FOAB Information

Wednesday 2 January 2008

2008 Psychic Predictions

'Come writers and critics' sang that sage of philosophical thought Bob Dylan before continuing in that annoying nasal drone 'who prophesise with your pens' which leads us nicely to people who do actually prophesise with their pens. Well keyboards anyway.
Any highlight at the start of a new year is the time honoured tradition of trying to guess what we will be facing in the coming twelve months. Despite being armed with tarot cards, one black and white candle and a Ouija board, my best efforts managed to dredge up nothing more than the sight of my friends head spinning around on her shoulders so we decided to turn to the people who have slightly more control over the dark arts. Psychics.
A quick trawl over the internet pointed us to Britain's foremost exponents of chatting to dead red Indians chiefs who have seen fit to tell us mortals what is going to happen on our planet during the next year.
So thank you to the guys at, let us gaze together as the mists clear and in our crystal ball we see:
The Beijing Olympics being cancelled, earthquakes in California and Greece, a hurricane greater than Katrina striking the US, panic as scientists discover that something long held to be healthy is not, India to be engaged in conflict, a small nuclear detonation in the Middle East, a major terrorist attack involving a missile, the assassination of a major American politician, a major volcanic eruption, riots in the UK, poignant space news and a white boat/ship with the name ELLE in the name making major news.
Doesn't sound too clever does it which is a bit of a downer because i was really hoping for something a bit more upbeat.
Still, back to my Ouija board to try and find out what the future holds for Britney Spears and maybe i can find time to do something about that deep growling voice coming from my Christmas Tree and the poltergeist that has been throwing about my plates since my initial attempt.


  1. Happy New Year Lucy. Don't know if you remember me from NZ, but I've re-started blogging and would love you to visit sometime.

    Pleased to see you are still in good form.

  2. My main prediction for 2008:

    I'm predicting* that Robbie Williams's efforts to be allowed back into Take That will become increasingly sad and desperate.

    * Did I say 'predicting'? Perhaps I meant 'hoping'...

  3. Welcome back Ruth, always happy to see some of the blogs i used to frequent coming back, yours is the 2nd so far this year.
    I will make a trip over to your blog soon as possible.

  4. How funny that your post is about Psychics.

    Well, most are full of it.
    Sylvia Browne is a crook.

    Anyway, I have never made a Ouija work either.
    Could it be me or it?!

  5. The only thing I can confidently predict is that, if I make through 2008, I will be a year older but probably no wiser!

    Cheers and best wishes!
