FOAB Information

Thursday 3 January 2008

US Elections Explained For Brits

Ok fellow Brits, we have seen the news of the upcoming US elections on our screen for a while now and as a nation who usually don't give a fig about our own leaders let alone those of another countries, so you may be wondering, or probably not, what the hell those crazy yanks are up to now.
Allow me to explain.
Here in the UK our election is a ten week sprint for a party to vote for and whoever is the party leader at that time cops it as the person to lead us down whatever garden path they decide for the next 5 years.
The American election in comparison is a triathalon and the competitors have only just dipped their toe in the water of the first discipline.
The starting gun to the slog for the White House Hot Seat is due to go off in Iowa where all the hopefuls either get the nod to continue or the slap around the face to go home and stop wasting everybody's time.
The nods from the Democratic side of the fence seem to be aimed towards Clinton and Obama with the rest of the Democratic field, to be quite frank, losing the ghost of any chance they had so long ago that even Derek Ocorah couldn't find them.
The Republican field is a bit more open so perm 3 from 6. Huckabee, Romney, McCain, Giuliani, Thompson or Paul but the only one's familiar to us Brits will be Fred Thompson who was in Law & Order on Sky One and possibly Rudy Giuliani who had a pop at our NHS the other month but don't to worry about remembering them, Thompson will soon be Out of Order and Rudy will need more than the kiss of life from a St John's ambulanceman to get his chances revived.
After Iowa the whole thing moves onto New Hampshire and around the country slowly whittling down the number of wannabe Presidents until they end up with one Elephant (Republican) and one Donkey (Democrat) who then fight it out to replace the Monkey who is there at the moment.
Simple see, and you though Des O'Connor on Countdown was as exciting as it got.


  1. Lucy, are these your predictions or your hopes?

  2. I'm hoping Obama will get the nod. I can't stand Giuliani - he reminds me of a weasel.

  3. They say there's always three things in any sentence uttered by Guiliani... a noun, a verb, and a 9-11.

  4. I really have no idea at who is going to win Cody and I am totally at the mercy of opinion polls, bloggers and the US news channels. I am just trying to have a bit of fun with it is all and do something a bit different.

  5. I thought this was very cute!

    It was refreshing...

    but here's something scary -

    oh my!

  6. Goodness me... I see that Hunter is being endorsed by Ann Coulter... which tells us all we need to know, surely! :-p

  7. Ann Coulter being pursued by a hunter would be interesting...

  8. Ann would probably get away though... She'd swing from tree to tree using her neck.

  9. Well, we have an Evangelical Republican and a Black Democrat leading out of Iowa.

    Must mean something, but what?

  10. They say US presidents are not Elected but Selected. To find out who will be the next president you need to look at who was present at the annual secret Bilderberg Conference. Hillary is already in office.
