FOAB Information

Sunday 6 January 2008

Clinton v Obama

If i had a vote in the American election i would be putting my X beside whichever Democrat makes it out of the scrap for the nomination. The general consensus seems to think it will be Clinton and Obama left standing with John Edwards star falling by the wayside after peaking in Iowa.
Out of the two Democrats that potentially leaves, voters would face an intriguing choice.
As former first lady, Hillary may not of actually been there before but she was riding shotgun to her husband when he sat in the big chair and that type of experience has be invaluable.
If elected, you wouldn't just get her, you would also get Bill in a two for one offer and sex scandals aside, he made a pretty decent fist of things nationally and internationally during his two terms.
With Bill behind her, she would hit the ground running with no settling in period and avoiding the steep learning curve and possible pitfalls that every new leader has to negotiate.
With Obama what you get is complete change from the possible Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton succession that has dominated for the past two decades. A fresh face and a new perspective would represent a volte-face and almost instantly begin to repair Americas tarnished image on the World stage.
He has no baggage, uses clear and expressive language, shows intelligence and has impressive oratory skills but most importantly, he represents the greatest shift away from the status quo which has has been a disaster on so many levels.
The choice would be a steady hand from an experienced leader who would shift the ship back onto an even keel or a gamble on a new, young, fresh face that signals a new direction.
Experience or the energy of new blood. I do not have to make that decision but it is an interesting choice.


  1. I sort of got the impression that Obama and Edwards are hot now and Clinton is sinking. She isn't a symbol of change, and a lot of people want that, especially young folks and voters who often can't be arsed to mark their ballots. The Clintons left a bad taste in many people's mouths (!), even ones inclined to vote Dem. Some of us haven't forgotten the fact that Bill committed perjury.

  2. I do wonder if the media WANT a Clinton v Obama showdown because those 2 do seem to be dominating the coverage and very little is mentioned of Edwards who they seem to portray as just there to make up the numbers. CNN or Fox (i forget which) had a programme on this morning discussing which of these 2 would make a better Dem candidate and Edwards just wasn't mentioned.
    I only get to see, hear or read a very narrow view of events there but i know our media also seem to be building it up as battle between these two only. Would be interesting if Edwards does nudge Clinton aside though.

  3. Clinton is just seems to be too polarising, I think.

  4. I have to admitt that I have always been a big John Edwards fan.. and I still am.

  5. I don't think Obama can take the South (sadly enough). Have a feeling it may be Edwards, which would SUCK because we need a demy in the White House and not certain he would take it.

    If it's Hil, she gets my vote allllll the way.

  6. Sad to say, regardless of who wins, Big Business, the MSM, the Jewish lobby and the Church will still run America.

