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Saturday 5 January 2008

Britney On The Brink

The sad sight of Britney Spears, visibly distressed and being carried out of her house, strapped to a stretcher and taken to hospital for psychiatric evaluation left an uneasy taste in my mouth.
The media and talk show hosts may see it all as a great laugh, another thing to point and laugh about at her expense but all i see is a young woman who has been pushed over the edge and is settling into some very dangerous territory.
She may not be a sophisticated or highly educated person and she may not have had the greatest upbringing but she is only a singer who gained fame and fortune early with very little, if any, guidance.
Someone needs to take her under their wing, drag her away from the lifestyle that has driven her to such desperation before she takes the ultimate decision and is found lifeless in a bedroom somewhere because you do not need to be psychic to see that is the catastrophic end in store for her, looming large in huge neon letters.

Palm Beach Post


  1. ITA. It's all disgusting -- her behavior, the media's showcasing it, and the public's ogling it. Bleh.

  2. Apparently her record sales are going gangbusters!

    All publicity is good publicity they say.

  3. Goos post Lucy. The whole thing is distateful, and though I don't like Britney she has made the most of what she has to offer. Hope she gets help of else she may end up like Anna Nicole Smith
