FOAB Information

Saturday 5 January 2008

TalkSport & KABC

Another bout of insomnia had me sitting in the kitchen at 3am last night warming up milk in the microwave and listening to the radio. Mike Mendoza, right leaning talk show host of Talksport Radio was having a live link up with fellow radio host Al Rantel of KABC in Los Angeles, California.
The premise was to get Brits to question Al and Americans to question Mike.
The Brits and Rantel discussed Obama's victory in the Iowa caucas when Mike mentioned that he feared for the Democrat's safety, what with him being a black candidate who was looking as though he may be within a shout of reaching the White House, citing the history of previous high profile assassinations, attempted assassinations and school shootings.
This seemed to get the gander up of the callers US side, and Al, who berated Mike for his view of Americans as a bunch of racists. Much backpeddling, counter accusation and agreeing to disagree later, the subject turned to the US Presidential candidates backing for Israel and this time it was the turn of the US host to get it in the ear from Brits for the US backing Israel and Rantel dismissing the Palestinians as a bunch of terrorists. Again, much backpeddling and Rantels turn to get it from Mendoza.
It really was great radio and two things struck me as i sat listening to both sides venting their spleen.
Firstly the American right and the British right, whereas both unfathomable to me, are very different animals and from what i could hear, it came down to God & guns.
Secondly, we may share a language and a common ancestry, but the image these Right leaning Americans and British callers seemed to have each other was very insightful.
How far apart the UK & US left are, i don't know but i would love to find out what issues we are apart on if any.


  1. Lucy, Lucy, Lucy. As your self proclaimed favorite American conservative, I think you know me well enough to agree that God and guns, as far as election issues, are well down on the list. Please understand that the "right" can be extremely diverse, Social Conservatives, Neo Conservatives, Libertarians, Classic Liberals, small government sovereignties, Free market enthusiasts, Supply siders, Fiscal conservatives, Law and order types, etc. The "right" and the "left" , whether in Britain or the U.S. cannot be quantified by idiots on the radio. IMHO, radio brings out the knuckleheads by the bucketful. Just like Sports radio, the loudest and the least common denominators come out in force. The Democrats and Republicans are giant coalitions, just like Labour and Tories are in the U.K. Like I abhor the Huckabee wing of the Republican party, I would imagine there are aspects of the Labour party, that are not to keen on sharing power with "Socialists" or "Communists". Just remember painting the "Right" or the "Left" with a broad brush does both sides an extreme disservice. OK, I'm out, we have reservations at a phenomonal Sushi restaurant. Sake and Toro for this "Classic Liberal".

  2. I agree Cody that there are varying degrees of left and right but generally the issues that you folk support are broadly the same but in America you have the added issues of Gun laws and God with the latter being a major issue in the election for the Republicans (I am thinking Huckabee and the thing about Romney being a Mormon).
    Neither are a issue here and it does seem to seperate our 'unfathomable right' and your 'unfathomable right'.
