FOAB Information

Friday 18 January 2008

Darwin Awards 2007

What with the Golden Globe Awards turning into a low budget press conference and the Oscars looking in doubt, the quest for giving people recognition for things turns towards the 2007 Darwin Awards, which 'Honours those who improve the accidentally removing themselves from it!'
In third place was a woman who, while working out a Hotel gym, realised she needed something from the floor below. She decided that the open shaft of the industrial lift was the communications device for her so she stuck her head into the empty shaft to shout to the people downstairs. And somehow missed noticing that the elevator was coming up towards her.
The silver went to a man who due to a throat ailment, decided to take his drink rectally. Two 1.5 litre bottles of sherry up the kazoo later, he dropped dead.
The top placing went to a couple who decided to spice up their sex life by doing the deed on top of a pyramid shaped metal roof and fell to their deaths leaving behind only two piles of neatly folded clothes.
Special mention must go to the man who attempted to have sex with a cow only for the heifer to take offence and kick him to death.


  1. Take it back, she wasn't a heifer, just a bit larger than normal

  2. Didn't the guy who taunted a tiger at the zoo - only to have the big beast take offence and kill him - die in time to qualify for the 2007 awards? If not, he must be an early frontrunner for 2008...

  3. darwin did well that day, cheezy, but he should've taught the other two a lesson as well. some people should NOT procreate.
