FOAB Information

Saturday 19 January 2008

Brown Vists China

Gordon Brown has touched down in China with the only item on his agenda being boosting trade with the Asian giant.
Mr Brown said the relationship between the two countries was "absolutely crucial" to the success of the global economy as a whole but human rights activists have called on Mr Brown not to shy away from discussing difficult issues with the Chinese government. Namely there disgraceful human rights record and the continued occupation of Tibet.
It was around this time last year that Tony Blair buckled under Saudi pressure to call off a criminal inquiry into allegations of corruption against the vile Saudi Royals.
So should human rights issues take priority over economic ones?
Of course the answer should be no but the reality is we have to whore ourselves out to richer nations to keep our own economy afloat. Trade between China and the UK was worth an estimated £20.2bn last year but it shouldn't mean we have to avoid asking the uncomfortable questions.
In the present economic climate, Britain is in no position to pick and choose who we do trade with. As much as it may stick in the craw to be seen pandering to regimes we should be ignoring, money speaks and it is saying we have to hold our noses and take the business but we should never suppress spouting forth our ethical objections otherwise we become nothing more than prostitutes ready to gleefully drop our collective trousers and touch our toes before the mighty Yuan.

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