FOAB Information

Sunday 20 January 2008

Lies, Lying & Liars

George Washington may not of been able to tell a lie but he was not a typical member of his gender according to the WKD survey that shows men tell five lies a day on average against a Woman's three.
The most common lie is “Nothing’s wrong — I’m fine”, followed by “Nice to see you” and third “I haven’t got any cash on me.”
Bad news for women is that number eight is “No, your bum doesn’t look big in that” with “Of course I love you,” at 12. One of my own personal favourites sits at number 10 with “What text?”.
Many peoples BS detectors go into overdrive when a builder (It will be fine once it settles)or car mechanic (It's supposed to make that noise) opens their mouths but i have a theory that women tell as many lies as men, just that we are better at it and have the gall to lie to WKD surveys.
So i have three lies to somehow shoehorn in everyday which should not be much of a problem tomorrow because i have a tax return form to return.
Only kidding Mr Taxman, i would never lie to Her Majesty's Government and yes i really did only earn £3.79 last year.


  1. They put some rubbish in surveys don't they...

    I don't think 'nice to see you' is a lie - it's just being polite.

  2. Maybe men are just far more honest when approached by people bearing surveys ruth.
