FOAB Information

Friday 18 January 2008

Did The Door Hit Him On The Way Out?

Struggling to shore up his coalition government in Israel, Ehud Olmert bought in the right wing party 'Yisrael Beiteinu' led by Avigdor Lieberman who even Ariel Sharon dismissed from his Government for being a too much of a trigger happy maniac.
He called for for thousands of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel to be drowned in the Dead Sea and offered to provide the buses to take them there. Nice chap to have on your decision making team then, or rather he was until he walked out of the coalition and took his party with him in protest at a new effort to start peace talks with the Palestinians.
Lieberman had already warned that he would resign from the cabinet if Olmert began to negotiate on core issues with Palestinian leaders and luckily, he kept to his word.
"Negotiations on the basis of land for peace are a critical mistake and will destroy us," he ranted yesterday. "If we pull back to the 1967 borders, everyone should ask himself, what will happen the following day?"
Well Mr Lieberman, what might happen the next day is the rest of us would say "and about time" and maybe your country will not be scorned at every opportunity after a 40 year illegal occupation.
What won't happen is you will be any less of a complete moron.