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Friday 18 January 2008

Sun Of God?

To those of us who don't care What Jesus Would Do in a given situation and see the Church as somewhere to steal candles from, what the Pope get's up to generally doesn't concern us. Unless he is making mind boggling statements that just cry out for someone to lock him in a Vatican cellar until it is time to light the fire that produces the white smoke again that is.
It seems that the crazy ex-Hitler youth member has his doubts over the theory that the Earth goes around the Sun.
Benedict XVI was forced to call off a visit to Rome's main university after hostility from the academics, disgusted at his former defending of the Inquisition and its condemnation of Galileo with the pontiff deeming the Inquisitions bvehaviour as 'reasonable and fair'.
Galileo Galilei was the Inquisition's most high profile victim who was forced on pain of death to backtrack over his view that the earth moved around the sun.
He was ordered to stand trial for heresy and the judgment found that his view of the solar system was "absurd, philosophically false, and formally heretical, because it is expressly contrary to Holy Scriptures". He spent the rest of his life under house arrest.
The Pope is free to back or dismiss any theory that he wants but we have to ask, What would Jesus Do?
Hold his head in his hands in dismay and pray that their is a Catholic who is not a laughing stock coming up the ranks behind Ratzinger probably.


  1. Amusing stuff... Ratzinger hasn't got the hang of this 'Pope gig' yet, has he?

    C'mon Joe.... All you have to do is sit down, get driven around behind two foot of perspex, smile benevolently, bless people... but more importantly... shut up!

    How hard can it be?

  2. I don't understand how he doesn't think it will make he look a dumbass.
    Or mayhe does and that's why he does it.

  3. Greetings class,

    Please be seated and listen up! The lectures will now commence...

    Religion is Philosophy and Spirituality by FlimFlam !!!

    It is beyond amazing that these "snakes in fancy clothing" still have the gall to continue to defend the abomination that was/is the Inquisition. Now we have a Grand Inquisitor Pope (a.k.a., Glory of the Olives...) who personally defends much of the Vatican-Papacy's most heinous and despicable activities.

    Why does anyone need anymore proof that religious leaders are lying through their teeth to save their own skins? Christianity has been decisively proven to be a Roman deception, and they know the end is nigh!!

    Speaking of more proof...

    Here is comprehensive proof that the symbolism of many ancient texts, canons, and concepts is an advanced and extremely ancient spiritual & philosophical technology that predates all extant religions and mystery schools. Consequently, here is proof, beyond disproof, that all three so-called "Faiths of Abraham" are purposeful deceptions.

    Here is Wisdom...


  4. Now isn't the Italian University doing the opposite of Columbia, when everyone's favorite Iranian nutjob was invited to speak. You either believe in freedom of speech. or you don't

  5. Excellant point Cody, they should of got him up on the stage and questioned him about his beliefs.
