FOAB Information

Tuesday 20 May 2008

The Real Problem

The cost of food have risen by 6.6% over the past year, energy price have shot up over 15% and the guy who changes the numbers at the petrol station is in danger of a heart attack. The atmosphere is dirtier than the latest Jenna Jameson DVD and we are going through the worlds resources quicker than we can replace them.
The great and the good continue to scratch their heads and wonder what can we do about it but the answer is obvious but very uncomfortable. There are just too many of us. Now this is where it gets uncomfortable because just what exactly can we do about it?
We can't order people to stop reproducing and who exactly should not be creating offspring? People who wear Hawaiian shirts i hear you say but that is a given.
The present world's population is around the 6.6 billion mark and on its current trajectory, is expected to reach 9 billion by the year 2050. According to the CIA's World Factbook, the world human population is increasing by 211,090 every day.
Imagine the planets resources that another third of us again will consume and that is the real problem not to mention the growing conflicts over the dwindling resources.
Our present problems are the symptom but the cause is far too uncomfortable to debate but needs to be addressed somehow. No idea how though without causing outrage somewhere.


  1. That's a decent start, I think. Encourage gayness... contraception or abstinence... masturbation or pure thoughts... oral sex... intercrural methods... and... (thinking more laterally here)... euthanasia... capital punishment... and compulsory mountain climbing for all :)

  2. Oh, I forgot abortion of course!

  3. Have anyone even remotely considering having kids spend some time with my teenagers. The line outside the urologists office to get snipped would be miles long.

    All kidding aside Lucy, there is one and only one proven way to reduce the birthrate, and that is affluence. ALL affluent western societies barely reproduce, while third world countries are responsible for a vast majority, if not all of the worlds population growth. The only way to stabilize the worlds population is to unleash the power inherent in the world economy, and let us grow our way to stability. That will of course, require technology, and (get ready Cheezy)free trade agreements to allow the better flow of goods and services from improvised countries. Redistributing pieces of the pie won't work, if we don't grow the pie. Technology and trade will save the day (or Mighty Mouse).

    If not, then Miz UV is right, we just go gay.

  4. Lucy,

    Interesting because the CIA says populations in Europe, USA, and Russia are declining fairly rapidly...


  5. I like the idea Miz UV, Dick Cheneys daughter for President!
    Mountain climbing Cheezy makes me think of Brian Blesed, which is as good a contraceptive as you can get in guess.
    Maybe being too knackered from shopping is the key Cody. And if we can build some Gay clothing shops up mountains everyone will be happy.
    Europe was the only one that was declining as far as i recall Q but that isn't surprising, have you seen Russian men??

  6. I find it difficult to put 'affluence' on the agenda. Won't that exacerbate the dangers already posed by global warming?

    Surely we need to become less affluent, consume far less, and adopt a more simple, sustainable lifestyle, etc.

    Anyway, when Israel and America nuke Iran, the subsequent world war will ensure that the world's population will suffer a marked decline.

  7. "and (get ready Cheezy)free trade agreements to allow the better flow of goods and services"

    Erm, huh? I'm against FTAs?

  8. Cheezy, I should have said Laissez-faire. Sorry , but I've been distracted, I was helping arm the nuclear device that will be dropped on Iran in a matter of moments. Of course it's all at the behest of my Jewish masters.

    Daniel, first of all, this is a post about population growth, and unless your planning to use nukes to further that goal, (from you it wouldn't surprise me) go pound sand. The second point is that if America DOESN'T nuke Iran, do we get an apology, or do we sue you for Libel, (in an English court obviously). I'll see you in the High Court.

  9. Hey, you can't clog up our courts to sort out American-Austro disagreements (Might need to check that, good chance i may of invented it). We need them to sentence our out of control footballers.

  10. Cody, is there any chance of you teaching your dog to type?

    Come to think of it, obviously you already have!

    Next question: would you please get a smarter dog?

  11. The stupid dog joke wasn't funny the first and second time you used them Danny. What makes you think the third times the charm?

  12. Cody, because I've never struck an American like you before, I put your name on Google and searched.

    Your site explains a lot. It can't be easy being 19.

    P.S. The excerpt below was copied directly from the site! Honest.

    Cody Bones's Schools
    Norco High
    Graduated: 2006
    Student status: Alumni
    Major: learning absolutely nothing
    Clubs: volleyball, thug life club

  13. "it can't be easy being 19" My God Danny, being 19 is one of the easiest things in the world to be. I happen to be 42 and from Chicago, but if you want to go on believing that I'm some 19 year California kid, knock yourself out. Your writing does bring to mind a great movie line though "Stupid is a stupid does"

  14. Also the financial consultant for this blog, my talented right wing rival and joint post partner.

  15. Lucy,

    Got to admit that I haven't looked at the Russian men... but the Russian women on the pro tennis tour are knockouts...


  16. The female Russian tennis players certainly have put an end to the myth that East European women are more manly than the men i agree. Then of course there is Martina Navratalova who puts the myth back in focus again.

  17. "Stupid is a stupid does"

    What exactly does this mean, Cody? "

    Asked and answered Daniel, asked and answered.
