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Monday 2 March 2009

L is for...Lucy's Blog

I expect it came as a bit of a shock to some to find Lucy temporarily replaced by some big hairy man but my constant whining to have a go finally wore her down and she gave me 6 weeks or so to do my best. Now i am well aware that my best is nowhere near Lucy's worst and as she can dash out a post in 15 minutes, it takes me easily an hour and i don't include any of the information she packs in and i went for the easy option of doing an A-Z because one of the hardest things to this blogging is finding something to write about. Then you actually have to write about it and sound as if you know what you are talking about, which for a very high percentage of the time, i don't.
Blogging looks easy, i thought it was easy to do, whatever pisses me off i would write about but after only a few weeks i can only admit that it is hard work to keep a blog going. After getting the idea you have to write the thing and then check the spelling and grammar because you don't want to look a twat in front of the whole world for misspelling something basic. The answer comments and tour the other blogs in the google reader and bookmarks and try to not sound a berk at other peoples blogs.
It is hard to make a joke because it doesn't come across very well in text, i took out and put back in several times a flippant remark a few posts back about the Stylophone making a worse noise than the hedgehogs i run over. I left it out in the end.
You also have the be aware that people will disagree with you, a glance through some of this blogs older posts shows me just how hairy it can be and i'm not certain i could take the abuse when someone started effing and jeffing at me. I would be tempted to try and out eff and jeff them.
So hats off to all you who run blogs and update them regularly with fresh and interesting posts because blogging isn't easy. Unless of course you do an A-Z and you get the day to think about what to write about for the next letter which is my approach at the moment.


  1. You're doing a good job so far, even if you're a newbie. :)

  2. Yeah, you're alright.

    And it is really annoying sometimes that text can be far more limited than verbal expression. Sometimes I also feel tempted to put in jokes that won't work without voice and facial expressions.


  3. I think you're doing very well.

    And most people around here manage to disagree with others without the associated 'effing and jeffing' that you see so often at other blogs. I find that, as long as the host keeps the tone reasonably civil, then 9 times out of 10 the commenters will too.

  4. Paul,

    It isn't hard for a few days, but it is damn hard to keep people's interest for months and years. Lucy has done well. You are doing well.

    Of course, Lucy had W, Iraq, and the Republicans for motivational material which is an unfair advantage...

    At this point, I look foward to seeing what you have posted each day.


  5. Thank you all for your kind words. Doing it by alphabet i can think well in advance what i am going to say so each post really is days in the making. How i am going to fill the days after i reach Z will be the problem. I have been pleasantly surprised by the content on other blogs, i wasn't expecting such an impressive choice of subjects and such well written posts.
