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Tuesday 3 March 2009

M is for...Madonna

Over the years i have accumulated quite a considerable amount of records. I still have vinyl singles and albums about the place and cassette tapes along with CD's and MP3 files. Bryan Ferry sits next to Nirvana who in turn share self space with Paul Weller so it is a fair mix of genres and tastes. I tend to have varied tastes when it comes to music but nowhere in my collection is a Madonna album or single. It is hard to believe that the woman has been singing songs for over 25 years and i have not liked any of her songs enough to actually buy one one of them.
Perhaps it is me because she must be doing something right to be have been around so long and it isn't as if she is a niche artist, she sings pop songs and has been very successful at it but for whatever reason, she just doesn't appeal despite changing her image and style every few years.
There have always been better female singers with better songs around but as they fall by the wayside, Madonna seems to just keep going and getting songs in the charts the same as the Rolling Stones who have been going even longer and i have one song of theirs on MP3, Sympathy for the Devil.
It isn't that i even dislike Madonna, her stab at an English accent when she was with Guy was humorous but otherwise i am totally neutral to her, just none of the hundred or so songs she has released over the last 25 years have moved me. Is it me?


  1. Her music actually makes my skin crawl, but hey, to each his own

  2. So it isn't just me then. Thats a relief.

  3. I think some of her songs have had good house remixes done on them, but she basically grosses me out these days.

  4. Paul,

    I can't say that I'm moved by any music. I did like her "material world" song and video...


  5. don't get me started. i actually sorta like "get into the groove" but that's because it was in a movie i really liked. when she was inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame? my head exploded. i realised the rock and roll hall of fame had nothing to do with rock and roll.
