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Saturday 30 May 2009

Boring Atheists

'I can't stand atheists – but it's not because they don't believe in God. It's because they're crashing bores' so says author Charlotte Allen in an interview about her book The Human Christ: The Search for the Historical Jesus.
It doesn't seem a very Christian thing for her to say and i do wonder if she has ever actually sat through a laugh a minute Church service but as God is my witness, us Atheists are anything but boring and to prove it here is my life story.
Actually, i was going to make something up about my mother still being a virgin when i was born and after being murdered in my early 30s, how i came back to life after 3 days and how my father hears the prayers of every one of the 7 billion people on the planet but i thought nah, nobody would believe a story like that.
Instead i will rise above the taunts and return to my giant book of Knitting Patterns of the World 1750 - 1900. Boring indeed. Pah.


  1. because believing in fairy tales is about a million times more exciting, after all.

  2. The imagination is a wonderful thing Annie.

  3. 'I can't stand atheists – but it's not because they don't believe in God. It's because they're crashing bores'

    Whatever happened to "hate the sin, love the sinner"? Cos I'm not feeling the love, Charlotte.

  4. Not to speak for all agnostics, but am finding that I have less and less patience for 'theists' of all types.

    (Present company excepted, of course. ;-) )

  5. I love all of you.


  6. I love everyone so much, it actually hurts.

  7. A theoretical group hug. That's beautiful.
