FOAB Information

Tuesday 26 May 2009

An Exclusive Club

North Korea and their latest nuclear weapons test has shook a few feathers at the United Nations with the major countries lining up to condemn Kim Jong Ill and his desire to build himself a nuclear arsenal.

America (Nuclear arsenal approx. 10,500 weapons) was there stating that 'North Korea is directly and recklessly challenging the international community."
Then came Great Britain (Nuclear arsenal approx. 200 weapons) describing the tests as "erroneous, misguided and a danger to the world."
Russia (Nuclear arsenal approx. 14,000 weapons) said it was a 'serious blow to efforts to control the spread of nuclear weapons."
France (Nuclear arsenal approx. 300 weapons) said "this behavior must have a cost and a price to pay."
China, (Nuclear arsenal approx. 241 weapons) called on Pyongyang "not to make the situation worse."

Pots and kettles come to mind but at least North Korea tested their nuclear weapon beneath their own country. Just over half a century ago one of the above nations tested theirs on Japan.


  1. Lucy,

    That Japan statement is pure bullshit.
    B U L L S H I T.

    It was all out war. They didn't bring childish dreamy views of morality battle. They killed. The killing included the massacre of hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians - or was it millions?

    I'm just glad we developed the bomb before them because they wouldn't have stopped after two cities... They would have bombed Australia as well. Hey, and why not England?

    Quit being so damned naive.


  2. But it's true Q. America nuclear test killed 250,000. North Koreas killed 0.

  3. Anon,

    I wasn't disputing how many people were killed.

    1. I was disputing the implication that using the A bomb during WW2 justifies N.K. becoming a nuclear power today.
    2. I was also disputing the implication that killing the enemy with an A bomb is some how wronger than killing them with a bullet or a blade.
    3. I was disputing the concept that Europeans are more civil than anybody else (2000 years ago, 500 years ago, in 1945, and especially today).

    So, Lucy wants all nuclear weapons to be eliminated. Wow what a unique idea. I do to. Who the hell doesn't. I will advocate elimination of all weapons as soon as I can be assured that no nation or other group (organized terrorists for example) will ever use force to impose their way on others. I won't hold my breath. You and Lucy can hold yours...

    Of course it is possible that you and Lucy are advocating that every nation have a WMD two.

    That strikes me as funny since if Lucy could have her way she would make all guns illegal leaving criminals armed and law abiding folks like me unarmed. You know, I've never killed anybody in a test either...


  4. Q - The post was about the hypocrisy of countries with nuclear arms spitting out the dummy because North Korea is knocking on the door of their exclusive club. Not justifying their actions, pointing out the
    hypocrisy of those who already have them. I would prefer nobody had them but that genie is out the bottle and realistically nobody is going to put it back in again.

    The parting shot about testing on Japan was designed to take down anyone from high moral horses.

    As for the right and wrongs of the Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombings, i'm almost certain that will be bought up in early August.

    I do think that guns are the worst invention humans ever came up with but as i have said before, if you are happy to have guns around you in your country and can handle the consequences then fine because you are thousands of miles away from me. I'm not and don't want them around me.

  5. But, y'know, the real reason Kim Jong Il wants nukes is because he's so damn rone-ry :-(

  6. Lucy, I'm curious, if you were Truman, what would you have done?

    Cheezy, that's hysterical, your pretty funny for an atheist. " Cody ducks and runs"

  7. I know what i would have done and it wouldn't have killed anyone Cody but still should have (cannot say for certain) had Japan reaching for the white flag. I will keep it for the annual August 'Was it right to drop the bomb on Japan' post.

  8. Us atheists can be a real riot, Cody. Here's one:

    Q: How many atheists does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: Two. One to actually change the bulb, and the other to videotape the job so fundamentalists won’t claim that god did it.

    Thank you ladies and gentlemen, I'll be here all week.

  9. Lucy,

    If you are worried about human lives then the worst invention ever is potentially the internal combustion engine.

    I don't know that being impaled by a spear or slashed by a blade is any better than being shot. Entire civilizations and nations were obliterated before and without guns.

    Rambo said "the human mind is the most dangerous weapon".

    Guns do enable women to defend themselves in situations where otherwise they would be doomed. God made man, Colt made woman dangerous.


  10. "Colt made woman dangerous."And credit cards made them lethal.

  11. I would wager a month of your wages against 2 years of mine (so it is an equal amount)that more people have been killed by bullets throughout history than by the internal cumbustion engine.

  12. I remember during the cold war the idea that kept the peace was that both sides had so many nuclear missiles that they would destroy each other if they ever used them. Not sure that would work with more countries having nuclear weapons, it is the technology being made available to less stable countries that is the problem. Look at Pakistan now and what would happen if the terrorists there got there hands on power as could happen and in charge of the countries nuclear weapons.

  13. lucy,

    don't forget global warming... plus the A bombs were delivered usingg internal combustion engines...


  14. Good point on the global warming Q. I still think your months wages are in danger though.

  15. Lucy,

    I wonder if blades and bombs have killed more than bullets?

    I was reading today that 70 million people died during WW2 and most were civilians - that makes me think bombs... but then the Japanese literally wiped out Northern China with bayonets. I think the only distinction they made was Chinese (kill) Japanese (don't kill).

    Of course, most of the Jews were killed with fire, gas, starvation, and weird surgical procedures.

    The Soviets used their own people as bullets...


  16. It is an interesting thought Q, what one thing has been responsible for the most deaths. Would make a good post but finding the figures would be a problem.
