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Sunday 19 July 2009

Happy Birthday Brian May

Britain has span out a few of the Worlds top music makers throughout the years and we do seem to have a special talent for churning out excellent guitarists such as Slash, Mark Knopfler, Eric Clapton and Matthew Bellamy of Muse. Must be something in our water.
I have yet to hear anyone who can top Slash when it comes to bashing out a solo but Brian May came mighty close on the likes of Killer Queen and Don't stop me now.
Not that either claim the Lucy prize of best guitar solo in the history of the World, ever. I give that to Berton Averre of The Knack for the solo in My Sharona. If you have only ever heard the short edited version i recommend you go here, press play and move it onto around 2.35 and see what you have been missing.
Not that you expect to hear many thumpingly good guitar solos in Carpenters songs but i have always loved the ending of Goodbye to Love where the guitarist rips it up with a solo worthy of mention.
Anyway, Brian May. Great guitarist, not as good as Slash (whose birthday it is on the 23rd and i fully expect to eulogise here) but terrible hair.

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